
  • 网络blog advertising
  1. 本文以博客广告为研究对象,从生态学的角度系统考察和研究博客广告的生态特征以及发展战略。

    This paper takes Blog Advertising as a research object .

  2. 在网络经济的今天,网络博客广告已经被越来越多的企业或商家所重视。

    Today , in internet-supported economy , blog advertising has been given more and more attention .

  3. 博客广告在监管方面、可信度方面、BSP和博主的广告利益纠纷方面以及博客广告效果评测方面,还存在着一些问题,这些问题的存在影响到博客广告的发展。

    There are some problems such as monitoring , credibility , interest disputes and evaluation in Blog advertising . These problems existed affect the development of Blog advertising .

  4. 博客广告:其实我很值得你爱&从长尾理论和二八法则的比较来分析博客的广告价值

    Blog AD : I am well Worth of Your Love in Fact

  5. 博客广告传播的针对性、互动性、信息隐蔽性与及时更新性强,这些传播优势凸显了博客广告的传播价值。

    Advantages of these communication enhance the spread of the value of Blog advertising .

  6. 针对博客广告面临的各种问题,提出了相应的解决对策。

    To solve these problems in Blog ads , we put forward corresponding countermeasures .

  7. 博客广告的商业价值也在广告主、博主、博客服务托管商和博客读者等广告主体中得到了体现。

    Blog advertising business value embodies in the advertisers , Blog master , BSP and Blog readers .

  8. 最后对博客广告的未来发展趋势做了展望,移动博客和微博客将是博客广告的新宠。

    Finally , the future trend of the development of Blog advertising are mentioned , Mobile Blog and micro-Blog will be the new favorite Blog ads.

  9. 在此基础上,分析博客广告生态存在的问题和危机,提出了博客广告的可持续发展策略,具有一定的现实性和前瞻性。

    On the grounds , the paper analyses the problems and crises of Blog Advertising , brings forward the strategy of Sustainable Development which has certain actuality and perspectiveness .

  10. 加强博客广告监管,打造博客媒体公信力,理顺博客广告主体关系,完善博客广告效果评测体系是有效解决博客广告问题的途径。

    Strengthen the supervision of Blog ads , create blog media credibility , rationalize the relationship between the main Blog advertising , improve performance evaluation system of Blog advertising , these are effective ways of Blog advertising issues .

  11. 你可曾阅览过这个博客上的广告吗?

    How often did you read an advertisement ( s ) in the blog ?

  12. 博客能有广告收入,有一技之长者能教授虚拟课程。

    Bloggers can make money from ads and people with special expertise can teach virtual courses .

  13. 后者是指通过这个博客,包括广告和赞助商等渠道直接赚钱。

    The second case refers to money being generated directly from the blog , including advertising and sponsorship deals .

  14. 当自由作家&如果你有不错的写作技能,你可以从写博客到写广告等任何东西来挣钱。

    Freelance writing & If you 've got the skills to write clearly , you can sell your pen for everything from blogs to advertising copy .

  15. 她拒绝在自己的博客上登广告,尽管博客是她所涉猎的三个媒介中最有影响力的一个。

    Ms. Xu refuses to run ads on her blog even though it 's the most influential medium among the three she 's involved in . '

  16. 本文首先对博客与博客广告进行了概述,通过了解博客兴起的原因和发展历程,博客广告的涵义、形式与发展历程,力图从总体上认识博客广告这一新兴广告形式。

    It contains the reasons for the rise and development of blog history , blog advertising meaning , form and history . From doing this , try to understand the Blog ads in a whole way .

  17. 就像你能够在你的收件箱中得到垃圾广告信息那样,人们可能会在你的博客中留下垃圾广告评论。

    Well just like you can get spam messages in your inbox , people will leave spam comments on your blog .

  18. 作为一般媒体产品的博客,具有进行广告开发的可能性,而且从博客的长远健康发展考虑计,博客的广告开发非常有必要。

    As a general media products blog , with the possibility for ad development , and from blog to consider the long-term healthy development of the design , development blog advertising is necessary .

  19. 除了理论上的创新,本研究还特别注重研究的现实意义,希望能够为博客公关、博客广告等基于博客影响力的实际运用提供参考。

    Besides the creation on the theory , my research also gives attention to the reality meaning and wish to make some sense to the applications based on the blog influence such as blog ad. and blog PR.

  20. 在名人博客和全民皆博的热潮中,博客逐渐走向大众化和商业化,博客的广告价值显现。

    In the boom of " Celebrity Blog " and " All Blog ", Blog has gradually become popular and commercialized , the value of Blog advertising appeared .