
  • 网络Booz & Company
  1. 博斯公司表示,2012年每10位新任CEO中,就有3位来自外部,而之前三年每10人中只有2位来自外部。

    Three in 10 new chief executives appointed in 2012 were outsiders , against two in 10 over the previous three years , the consultancy said .

  2. 博斯公司(BoozandCo)估计,在新获任命中,CEO兼任董事长的比例从2000年的40%降至2011年的18%。

    Booz and Co calculated new appointments of chair-CEOs were down from 40 per cent in 2000 to 18 per cent in 2011 .

  3. 博斯公司(BoozandCompany)的研究表明,2012年世界上市值最高的2500家集团中,有270家按照继任计划更换了首席执行官。

    Among the world 's 2500 largest groups by market value , 270 replaced their chief executive in 2012 as a result of succession planning , according to research by Booz and Company .

  4. 另一家咨询公司Strategy&——即原来的博斯公司(Booz&Co)——预计,到本十年末,联网汽车将占到新车的90%,目前这一比例约为10%。

    Booz & Co , another consultancy , expects connected vehicles to account for 90 per cent of new cars by the end of the decade , up from about 10 per cent today .

  5. 博斯公司高级合伙人、该研究报告的共同作者佩尔-奥拉•卡尔松(Per-OlaKarlsson)提出,若企业的任命过程更加结构化,外部竞争者往往会受益。

    Per-Ola Karlsson , Booz senior partner and co-author of the study , suggested that outside contenders often benefited as companies adopted a more structured approach to appointments .

  6. 博斯公司(booz&company)的研究表明,目前已有超过一半的消费者运用技术手段进行日常采购。

    More than half of all shoppers now use technology as part of their grocery shopping routine , according to research by Booz & company .

  7. 作为博斯公司(booz&co)的首席执行官,他领导的全球管理咨询公司拥有数十年的商业客户关系基础可以利用。

    As chief executive of Booz & Co , he heads a global management consulting firm that has decades of commercial client relationships upon which to draw .

  8. 另一间咨询公司博斯公司也指出一些大企业常常在北欧消费者身上对新产品进行市场测试,原因在于北欧人很乐意尝试新事物。

    Booz & company , another consultancy , points out that big companies often test-market new products on Nordic consumers because of their willingness to try new things .

  9. 导致去年出现本世纪初(博斯公司从那时开始以这种方式追踪首席执行官更迭)以来第二高换帅潮的原因是,越来越多的公司进行继任规划。

    But last year it was the rise in succession planning that led to the second-highest level of turnover since the start of the century , when Booz and Company began tracking chief executive moves in this way .

  10. 博斯咨询公司每年都会调查2500家公司,根据他们的计算,首席执行官交给公司外部人士接任的比例从2007年的14%上升到2011年的22%。

    In an annual study of 2500 companies Booz & company , a consultancy , calculates that the proportion of chief-executive Posts going to outsiders rose from 14 % in 2007 to 22 % in 2011 .

  11. 博斯管理咨询公司(Booz&Company)高级合伙人乔恩•卡曾巴赫说,这部分工作可能比想象的要简单。

    That part is easier than you may think , says Jon Katzenbach , a senior partner at consulting firm Booz & company .

  12. 过去八年里,我们的博斯管理咨询公司(Booz&Company)每年都对创新投入力度最大的1000家上市公司进行研发支出调查。

    For the past eight years , our firm , Booz company , has conducted an annual study on R D spending among the 1,000 public companies that spend the most on innovation .

  13. 博斯艾伦2008年从其姐妹公司博斯公司(booz&co)中分离出来,专攻公共部门,而后者专攻私营部门。

    It split from its sister firm in 2008 so that Booz & Co could focus on the private sector and Booz Allen on the public sector .