
  • 网络deloitte consulting;Deloitte Consulting LLP
  1. 德勤咨询公司(DeloitteConsulting)的新兴市场专家戴维•马丁表示:“实际上,并没有所谓的金砖四国”。

    " There is no such thing as BRIC , " says David Martin , an emerging markets specialist with Deloitte Consulting .

  2. 德勤咨询公司(DeloitteConsulting)进行的一项调查显示,由于各家公司都在寻找具备多样化技能和高端技术的求职者,对顶尖人才的争夺已变得日益激烈。

    Jockeying for top talent has gotten more intense as companies look for more varied and sophisticated skill sets from candidates , according to a survey by Deloitte Consulting .

  3. 这些咨询公司中,德勤咨询公司(Deloitte)大中华区负责人NormanSze相当典型地表达了乐观态度和他的计划:我们与全球企业领袖合作,视中国为我们进一步投资的全球首要目标。

    Among the firms , Norman Sze , head of consulting at Deloitte Greater China , is far from atypical in the optimism and largesse of his plans : We are working with global leadership to look at China as our first priority globally for making further investments .

  4. 从哈佛毕业后,艾米丽先后任职于德勤咨询公司和国际奥委会,但她始终没有找到自己真正的职业兴趣。

    After Harvard , Hughes worked at Deloitte Consulting and the International Olympic Committee , but she never found her true calling .

  5. 就任现职以前,她在芝加哥的德勤咨询公司从事战略管理咨询工作。

    She came to the current role from Chicago , where she worked for her last assignment with Deloitte Consulting on strategic management consulting .

  6. 本文作者约翰•哈格尔三世是德勤管理咨询公司董事,在德勤设在硅谷的CenterfortheEdge担任联合董事长。

    John Hagel III , director in Deloitte Consulting LLP , is the co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the edge based in Silicon Valley .

  7. 一项由德勤管理咨询公司新做的调查显示商务旅行者将会在2011年有更多的商务旅行,这对于款待行业来说将是一个令人欣喜的增长。

    Business travelers are anticipating an increase in corporate travel for2011 a welcomed boost in customer demand for the hospitality and travel sectors according to a new survey from Deloitte .

  8. 德勤和思科基于咨询公司马库斯·白金汉(MarcusBuckingham)开发的方法出台了绩效考核项目,在这些项目中,经理们采用一套组合方式,包括定期“登记”,快速员工参与度调查,以及季度绩效“快照”。

    In the programmes being rolled out at Deloitte and Cisco , based on an ap-proach developed by consultancy Marcus Buckingham , managers use a combination of regular " check-ins , " backed up by instant staff engagement surveys and quarterly performance snapshots .