
  • 网络dem;DEUTSCHE MARK;Mark;reichsmark
  1. 马克,主要指的是德国马克,例如。

    As for mark , this means mainly the deutsche mark , for example .

  2. 与过去的德国马克相比,欧元相当“疲软”,给德国带来了竞争优势,使其对中国和其他亚洲国家的出口蓬勃增长,其中,汽车和机械设备尤为畅销。

    The edge of a " weak " currency , compared to the old Deutsche Mark , also enabled Germany to garner booming sales in China and other Asian countries hungry for its cars and machine tools .

  3. 英镑非常坚挺,对德国马克的比率是1比2.88。

    The pound was rock solid at 2.88 Deutschmarks .

  4. 东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。

    East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark .

  5. 为了更加便于管控,IMF不得不将货币篮子从上世纪70年代的16种货币削减至1981年后的5种,后来随着德国马克和法国法郎被并入欧元又减少至4种。

    To make it tractable at all , the IMF membership had to whittle the basket down from its original sixteen currencies in the 1970s to five after 1981 , later compressed to four as the D-Mark and the French franc were subsumed into the euro .

  6. 用于表示德国马克、财富或成本。

    Use to indicate Deutsche Marks , wealth , or cost .

  7. 重新恢复的德国马克将会一路飙升,欧元将会直线下跌。

    The restored deutschemark would soar , the euro would plummet .

  8. 一般说来,我们更喜欢客户用美元或德国马克付款。

    We prefer payment in US or DM as a rule .

  9. 按今天的卖出价是248德国马克。

    It 's 248 German marks at today 's selling rate .

  10. 我想把一些德国马克换成零钱。

    I 'd like to change some German marks into small money .

  11. 新货币的名字不应叫作“德国马克”。

    The new currency should not be called the " D-mark " .

  12. 此外,三种货币都能交易,不像已经不复存在的德国马克。

    Moreover , each may be traded , unlike the defunct mark .

  13. 它是在1995年的代顿协议上确立的,马克的名字指的是德国马克。

    It was established as such by the1995 Dayton Agreement .

  14. 你有多少德国马克现钞?

    How much do you have in notes for Deutschmarks ?

  15. 1英镑兑2.95德国马克是不可持续的汇率水平。

    Dm2.95 was not a sustainable rate for sterling .

  16. 一百德国马克我可以兑换多少钱?

    How much would I get for100 German marks ?

  17. 美元对德国马克的比率继续下滑。

    The dollar continued to slide against the deutschmark .

  18. 你能把德国马克换成法国法郎吗?

    Will you change German marks into French francs ?

  19. 1985年,美元兑日元及德国马克汇率停止了飙升。

    In 1985 the dollar stopped overshooting against the yen and the German mark .

  20. 除奖牌外,电器、衣物以及300德国马克也被盗了。

    Besides 300 Deutsche marks were also stolen .

  21. 新的德国马克将大幅升值。

    The new Deutschmark would appreciate sharply .

  22. 210德国马克折合人民币400元。

    DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB .

  23. 在推出欧元之前,德国马克是欧洲汇率机制的核心。

    Before the euro , the D-Mark was the centre of the exchange rate mechanism .

  24. 相对于德国马克而言,英镑的购买力持续下降。

    The purchasing power of the pound has fallen steadily in relation to the German mark .

  25. 300德国马克现钞和1000美元旅行支票。

    Three hundred German marks in notes and one thousand US dollars in traveler 's cheques .

  26. 该车售价4000德国马克,这种独特性也是该车的非常重要的一个特色。

    Selling at 4,000 DM , exclusivity is also part and parcel of this motorcycle as well .

  27. 将你的美元或德国马克变成假名牌酒和真正的伤疤。

    Gateway to southeast Asia where dollars and Deutschmarks get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars .

  28. 美元正式贬值,日元和德国马克升值。

    The dollar was officially devalued , and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value .

  29. 代替了原来众所周知的德国马克,法国法郎和意大利里拉。

    Replacing currencies as famous as the German mark , the Franch franc , and the Italian lira .

  30. 银行显然希望英镑将和德国马克保持目前的等价。

    The banks are clearly hoping that the pound will maintain its current parity with the German mark .