
  • 网络University of Tuebingen
  1. 德国蒂宾根大学的梅利姆·毕拉利克让八位国际象棋大师和八位入门新手识别几何图形或围解将死棋局,同时利用功能核磁共振成像设备分别对他们的大脑进行扫描。

    Merim Bilalic at the University of T ü bingen in Germany used fMRI to scan the brains of eight international chess players and eight novices while they identified either geometrical shapes or whether the pieces on a chess board were in a check situation .

  2. 德国蒂宾根大学的科纳尔博士表示,他早就提出了“多中心融合发展”的学说:随着晚期智人扩散至世界各地,取代早期智人,不同的地方出现了类似的文化创新活动。

    Dr. Conard , of T ü bingen University , said he had long argued for what he calls polycentric mosaic modernity , in which similar kinds of cultural innovations happened in different contexts as modern Homo sapiens spread across the world and displaced archaic hominins .