
  • 网络German business;Moral Intelligence Quotient
  1. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  2. 这一原则同样适用于排名第七的牛津大学(Oxford)萨伊德商学院(SaïdBusinessSchool)。

    The same applies to the University of Oxford 's Sa ï d Business School , in seventh position .

  3. 三名研究人员在英属哥伦比亚大学(UniversityofBritishColumbia)尚德商学院(SauderSchoolofBusiness)完成了这份报告。

    The three researchers completed the report while at University of British Columbia 's Sauder School of Business .

  4. 本文首先提出德商(MoralQuotient,MQ)的定义、计算公式和测评步骤。

    The definition , the formula and the steps to evaluate of the term Moral Quotient are brought forth in the thesis .

  5. 为了助一年制MBA学生一臂之力,牛津大学萨伊德商学院(UniversityofOxford'sSaidBusinessSchool)今年在开课前安排10名学生与雇主配对完成八至12周的工作任务。

    To give its one-year M.B.A. students a leg up , University of Oxford 's Said Business School this year is matching 10 incoming students with employers for eight-to-12-week assignments before classes begin .

  6. 此外,牛津大学萨伊德商学院(Sa?dBusinessSchool)就业服务主管德里克?沃克(DerekWalker)表示,MBA的主要雇主银行没有遇到什么变化。

    And , adds Derek Walker , director of careers at Sa ? d Business School at the University of Oxford , the banks , which are big MBA recruiters , are holding steady .

  7. 已有几家有抱负的机构接洽过牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)。该校萨伊德商学院(Sadschool)院长科林迈尔(ColinMayer)指出,这些有抱负的学院有资金、有意愿,但缺乏专业技能。

    These aspiring schools have the money and the will , but not the expertise , points out Colin Mayer , dean of the Sad school at the University of Oxford , which has been approached by several aspiring institutions .

  8. 最后,在EMBA榜单上,若剔除与非欧洲商学院的合办课程,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的毕业生的平均薪资为26.1397万美元,远远领先于排名第二的萨伊德商学院和排名第三的西班牙企业商学院。

    Finally , in the EMBA ranking , excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools , IMD of Switzerland , with an average salary of $ 261397 , is well ahead of Business School in second and IE Business School in third place .

  9. 德商、道德价值规律与品德标尺的应用

    Moral Quotient , Law of Moral Value and How to Employ Moral Standard

  10. 德商高速公路(河南范县段)路基砂土液化初步评价

    Evaluation on Sand Liquefaction of Subgrade of Dezhou-Shangqiu Highway in Fan County , Henan Province

  11. 德商高速公路鄄城黄河大桥桥基砂土液化综合评判

    Comprehensive Estimation on Liquefaction of Sandy Soil Ground of Juancheng Yellow River Crossing Bridge on Dezhou-Shangqiu Highway

  12. 安东尼•霍普伍德是运作管理学教授,牛津大学萨伊德商学院前任院长。

    Anthony Hopwood is professor of operations management and former dean of Sa ? d Business School .

  13. 但是英属哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院最近发现其实不然。

    But recent findings from researchers at the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business say otherwise .

  14. 加斯东?德商说过,贝尔特洛因为反对正字法改革,“曾使法语免于沦亡”。

    Gaston Deschamps said that berthelot ," had saved French from ruin " because he had opposed spelling reform !

  15. 德商高速公路(菏泽至曹县段)粉土路基的施工实践表明,冲击压实对路基稳定性起着关键作用,取得了良好的效果。

    Silty soil roadbed construction of Dezhou-Shangqiu Expressway ( Heze-Caoxian section ) shows that impact-rolling technology is key to roadbed stability , which has got excellent effect .

  16. 德商概念的引入以及由此推出的品德标尺理论旨在为公民道德建设提供了理论参考。

    And the introduction of concept of the Moral Quotient as well as the theory of the moral value is purported to give a theoretical reference in building up the civilian moral standard .

  17. 结合德商高速公路荷泽至曹县段的工程实例,介绍了水泥深层搅拌桩的施工方案、施工过程以及其工艺控制,探讨了成桩的质量检验方法,以提高工程施工质量。

    Combined with practical engineering of Heze-Caoxian section in De-Shang expressway , the author introduces construction scheme , construction process and technical control of cement deep mixing pile , and discusses its quality inspection method to improve construction quality .