
  • 网络Russian ruble;rub;RUR
  1. 俄罗斯卢布汇率安排的经济效应分析

    Economic Effect Analysis of Russian Ruble Exchange Rate Arrangements

  2. 从2014年初到现在,俄罗斯卢布兑美元的汇率跌幅已达40%。

    The Russian ruble is down 40 percent against the dollar so far in 2014 .

  3. 巴西雷亚尔升值27%,俄罗斯卢布升值14%,跟踪10种亚洲最活跃新兴国家货币的彭博-摩根大通亚洲美元指数(Bloomberg-JPMorganAsiaDollarindex),目前处于19个月高点。

    Brazil 's real is up 27 per cent , Russia 's rouble 14 per cent and the Bloomberg-JP Morgan Asia Dollar index , which tracks the 10 most active emerging Asian currencies , is at a 19-month high .

  4. CME预计,人民币期货合约的交易量增长,将与其他新兴市场货币(如俄罗斯卢布和巴西雷亚尔)期货合约相仿,后者在去年上半年增长了三倍。

    The CME expects the volume growth to mirror that of other emerging markets currency contracts , such as the Russian rouble and Brazilian real , which grew fourfold in the first half of last year .

  5. 巴西雷亚尔和俄罗斯卢布汇率分别上涨3.7%和3.4%。

    The real and the rouble were higher by 3.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent .

  6. 而由于俄罗斯卢布对美元的汇率贬值,现在生活在莫斯科要比以前便宜了一点儿。

    The fallin Russia 's currency against the dollar has made Moscow cheaper than itonce was .

  7. 我们也注意到因为俄罗斯卢布贬值,赴俄旅游人数大幅增长。

    We have also noticed a significant growth in tourist numbers to Russia because of currency depreciation .

  8. 还有一个原因是,从俄罗斯卢布到阿根廷比索等一系列货币对欧元比价持续走低。

    Continued weakness in a range of currencies from the Russian rouble to the Argentine peso against the euro played a part .

  9. 今年1月和2月,这可能还不会在股市上反映出来。市场似乎仍打算惩罚土耳其、可能还有俄罗斯卢布、南非兰特等。

    January and February may not reflect this – markets still seem intent on punishing Turkey , perhaps the Russian rouble , and the South African rand among others .

  10. 在仅仅一年多的时间里,亚洲金融危机就发展为一场全球性的危机,导致俄罗斯卢布和巴西里亚尔一泻千里。

    In a little more than a year , the Asian financial crisis became a global financial crisis , with the crash of Russia 's ruble and Brazil 's real .

  11. 欧佩克的决定一出,俄罗斯卢布应声跌至历史新低,美元兑卢布首次跌破1:48,而欧元兑卢布更是首次跌破1:60。

    The Russian ruble fell to a new all-time low on the news , with the dollar crashing through 48 rubles and the euro topping 60 , both for the first time ever .

  12. 尽管自去年9月中旬以来,卢比、韩元和俄罗斯卢布兑美元汇率走高,但兰特和雷亚尔等货币兑美元汇率却在走低。

    While currencies such as the rupee , the Korean won and the Russian rouble are higher against the dollar since mid-September , others , such as the rand and real , have fallen .

  13. 随着能源出口收入的下降,投机者将会攻击俄罗斯卢布,最终让莫斯科庞大的外汇储备趋于枯竭,并迫使卢布贬值,这会引起俄罗斯企业的美元贷款违约。

    With energy export revenues shrinking , speculators would attack the ruble , eventually running Moscow 's sizable foreign-currency reserves dry and forcing a depreciation that provokes defaults by Russian companies on their dollar-based loans .

  14. 过去一个月里,俄罗斯卢布对美元贬值8.6%,哥伦比亚比索贬值5.9%,马来西亚林吉特贬值3.2%。

    In the past month , the Russian rouble has dropped 8.6 per cent against the dollar , the Colombian peso is down 5.9 per cent , and the Malaysian ringgit is off 3.2 per cent .

  15. 俄罗斯卢布虽然在上周三强劲反弹,但之前几天的暴跌,已经让坊间充满“俄罗斯大难临头”的言论;甚至有人预言,今天的俄罗斯将重蹈苏联的覆辙。

    Russia 's ruble may have strengthened sharply Wednesday , but it 's plunge in recent days has encouraged plenty of talk about the country 's catastrophe , with some even proclaiming that the new Russia is about to go the way of the old USSR .

  16. 随着俄罗斯货币卢布一再对其他货币贬值,近年来去往俄罗斯旅游的旅客也在逐渐增多。

    With the Russian rouble depreciating against other major currencies , there has been an increase in visitors to this country in recent years .

  17. 自8月份格鲁吉亚战争以来,已经有逾300亿美元的外资流出俄罗斯,卢布的贬值也令投资者惶恐不安。

    Over $ 30 billion of foreign capital fled since the August war in Georgia and the ruble 's decline against the dollar spooked investors .

  18. 与此同时,俄罗斯货币卢布贬值到了13个月来的最低水平。根据法国巴黎银行的统计,自从俄格冲突爆发以来,投资人从俄罗斯撤走了350亿美元。

    The ruble is at a13-month low , and according to Europe 's BNP Paribas Bank , investors have pulled $ 35 billion out of Russia since the conflict .

  19. 一些人期待,对俄罗斯经济以及卢布施加更大压力,可能会说服俄罗斯不去扩大冲突。

    Some hope that the growing pressure on the Russian economy and the rouble might dissuade the Kremlin from escalation .

  20. 昨日,卢布跌至1美元兑30.41卢布的低点,创下自2007年2月俄罗斯央行将卢布与欧元/美元货币篮子挂钩以来的最低水平。

    Yesterday , the rouble fell as low as 30.41 , its weakest level since the Russian Central Bank adopted its euro / dollar basket in February 2007 .

  21. 彭博新闻社报导说,由于投资人纷纷减持俄罗斯资产,卢布兑美元汇率在8月份的下降幅度是过去九年多来最大的。

    Bloomberg News reports the Russian ruble is headed for its biggest monthly decline against the U.S. dollar in more than nine years as investors reduce their Russian holdings .

  22. 过去几天里,俄罗斯充斥着卢布贬值的传言,自普京八年前上台以来,卢布的坚挺一直是俄罗斯政府深以为豪的一大成就。

    Russia has in the past few days been awash in rumors of a devaluation of the ruble , whose stability has been a much-touted achievement since Vladimir Putin came to power eight years ago .

  23. 曾经是亮点之一的俄罗斯市场,由于卢布大幅贬值而前景暗淡。

    Prospects in Russia , a previous bright spot , have dimmed given the plummeting rouble .

  24. 上月,中国采取了更简单的措施支持俄罗斯用人民币和卢布开展直接贸易的提议。

    China took a simpler path last month when it supported a Russian proposal to start direct trading using the renminbi and the rouble .

  25. 但鉴于俄罗斯执迷于卢布兑美元汇率,进一步贬值的政治成本将会非常巨大。

    But the political costs of a further devaluation , given Russians ' obsession with the rouble / dollar rate , would be enormous .

  26. 俄罗斯政府支出以卢布计价,如果卢布的贬值幅度足够大,即便油价达到80美元,预算也能实现收支平衡。

    Russian government spending is denominated in roubles ; if depreciation is strong enough , the budget may be balanced even if the oil price is at $ 80 .

  27. 现在石油价格正在下跌(本周几乎下探至每桶90美元),这严重影响了套利交易而且迫使俄罗斯必须来支持卢布。

    Now oil prices are falling ( dipping almost to $ 90 a barrel this week ) , they are undermining the carry trade and forcing Russia to prop up the rouble .

  28. 上调利率的做法令人想起1998年危机时俄罗斯债务违约和卢布贬值后采取的激进措施。

    The rate increase , one of the largest ever announced by the central bank , echoes the drastic measures taken during the 1998 crisis when Russia defaulted on its debt and devalued the ruble .

  29. 此前,俄罗斯央行承诺每当卢布跌出交易区间以外时就投入3.5亿美元,这一政策容易被投机者利用,使得央行近几周有时每日投入多达25亿美元。

    Previously , the bank had been committed to interventions of $ 350m each time the rouble fell outside the band – a policy that was easy for speculators to exploit and in recent weeks had cost it up to $ 2.5bn a day .

  30. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。

    To import from Russia , a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles .