
é yǔ
  • Russian
俄语 [é yǔ]
  • [Russian] 即俄罗斯语

俄语[é yǔ]
  1. 他通过了俄语普通证书考试。

    He 's got an O level in Russian .

  2. 你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?

    Can you make yourself understood in Russian ?

  3. 乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语。

    The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian .

  4. 俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。

    Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum .

  5. 莉薇的俄语很有起色,她学得非常快。

    Livy 's getting on very well in Russian . She learns very quickly

  6. 他结结巴巴地学说俄语,把她逗乐了。

    His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her .

  7. 在东德,俄语是必修课。

    In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory

  8. 现代俄语字母表有31个字母。

    The modern Russian alphabet has 31 letters

  9. 他说一口流利的俄语。

    He speaks fluent Russian .

  10. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。

    Students will be able to choose between English , French and Russian as their first foreign language .

  11. 在流浪途中,他学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一丁点儿俄语。

    On his wanderings he 's picked up Spanish , Italian , French and a smattering of Russian .

  12. 他精通英语、德语、法语、俄语、阿拉伯语乃至世界语。

    He has a good command of English , German , French , Russian , Arabic and even Esperanto .

  13. 他勤奋的学习俄语。

    He made a diligent attempt to learn russian .

  14. 他又能说,又能写俄语。

    He both speaks and writes russian .

  15. Troika三巨头这是一个俄语词,指三人小组或者三国集团,希腊记者将欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织合称为Troika,因为这三个组织共同负责监督希腊的紧缩政策。

    A Russian word meaning a group of three , used by Greek journalists and then others to describe the EU , ECB , and IMF - the trinity of institutions responsible for monitoring Greece 's austerity measures .

  16. 他叽里咕噜地说着俄语

    He was jabbering away in Russian .

  17. 俄语被动句的生成条件是:及物动词被动化和NP移位。

    The condition for the establishment of the passive sentences in Russian is the semantic structure of the verb .

  18. 在苏联的统治下,这座城市通常被冠以俄语名Lvov;

    Under Soviet rule , the city usually went by the Russian name of Lvov ;

  19. 一种基于语义词典的俄语文本自动语义分析技术SemLP

    SemLP & An Automatic Semantic Analysis Technology of Russian Text Based on Semantic Dictionary

  20. CRI外籍记者采访团由英语、日语、朝语、俄语、法语、德语、泰语、捷克语和中文等多名记者组成。

    CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English , Japanese , Korean , Russian , French , German , Thai , Czech , and Chinese and so on .

  21. 微软翻译支持50种不同的语言,其中包括英语、汉语、法语、希伯来语、意大利语、日语、西班牙语以及俄语。微软应用的适用范围首次扩展到iOS以及安卓设备和智能手表。

    Microsoft Translator supports 50 different languages , including English , Chinese , French , Hebrew , Italian , Japanese , Spanish and Russian.This is the first expansion of Microsoft 's translation app to the world of iOS and Android mobile devices and smartwatches .

  22. 态(aspect)这个用语源于俄语的vid(关系),在19世纪初第一次被引入斯拉夫语的语法概念中,之后就在日耳曼语的语法和韩国语的语法中也得到广泛讨论和应用。

    ' Aspect ' originally stands from the Russian word ' vid '( relations ) . It was first introduced to the Slavic language in the early 19th century . And since then the word has been used in Germanic language as well as the Korean grammar .

  23. 一些小孩学习德语、俄语、日语和汉语。

    Some children study German , Russian , Japanese and Chinese .

  24. 丈夫:你可以问贝尔,他懂俄语。

    Husband : You can ask Bill , he knows Russian .

  25. 能说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

    Speaking Swedish , Russian , German , French and English .

  26. 俄语句际关系及其连接手段

    The Inter - sentence Relationship and the Corresponding Conjunctions in Russian

  27. 俄语简单句中部分同时结构B+N6+V的用法

    The Usage of Partial Simultaneity Construction B + N6 + V

  28. 二十世纪末俄语变化原因刍议

    The Causes for the Russian Linguistic Changes in the 20th Century

  29. 现代俄语语料库的发展具有明显的后发优势。

    The development of modern Russian corpora has the late-mover advantage .

  30. 他懂六门语言,例如汉语、俄语等。

    He knows six languages , such as Chinese and Russian .