  • continent;sandbar;islet in a river
  • 水中的陆地:沙~。~渚。

  • 大陆及其附属岛屿的总称:七大~。~际导弹。


(大陆和附近岛屿的总称) continent:

  • 七大洲

    the seven continents;

  • 南极洲

    the Antarctic Continent;

  • ntarctica


(河流中由沙石、泥土淤积而成的陆地) islet in a river; sandbar:

  • 沙洲

    sandy islet

  1. 艾伦花了一些时间去旅游,因为莫瑞斯把他的车卖给了艾伦,是一辆1931年的福特V8,去年夏天他曾经开着这辆车,逛遍了几乎整个洲。

    And Alan did after all spend some time in travel , for Maurice Pryce sold him his car , a 1931 V8 Ford , which had taken him all over the continent on the tour that as a Commonwealth Fellow he had been obliged to make in summer 1936 .

  2. 这样大一个洲,要作全面的概括是不容易的。

    This vast continent doesn 't lend itself to sweeping generalization .

  3. 他们把这条船命名为“大洋洲号”。

    They christened the boat ' Oceania ' .

  4. 这种有趣迷人的动物是婆罗洲独有的。

    This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo .

  5. 战争期间上校在婆罗洲服役并被授予一般服役奖章。

    The colonel saw active service in Borneo and was awarded the General Service Medal .

  6. 里奥格兰德河三角洲曾是一片遍布荆棘和沼泽的荒废之地。

    The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps .

  7. 尼罗河在河口分岔,形成了一个三角洲。

    The Nile divides at its mouth and forms a delta .

  8. 三角洲分流中沉积的河流砂是石英质的。

    Fluviatile sands deposited by delta distributaries are quartzose .

  9. 长江三角洲是得天独厚的鱼米之乡。

    The Yangtze River delta , richly endowed by nature , is a land of plenty .

  10. 下面所列举的是分布于分流和三角洲前绿砂体的油气田的例子,在地质时代上从晚古生代至中新生代。

    The following examples of oil and gas fields in distributary and delta-fringe sand bodies range in age from Late Paleozoic to middle cenozoic .

  11. 晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)

    Clear and bright in the sunlit stream the trees of hanyang ,| fragrant grasses , lush and green , all over parrot isle .

  12. 到目前为止,巨头苹果蜗牛在欧洲仅存在于埃布罗河三角洲。

    For now , the giant apple snail 's foothold in Europe is limited to the Ebro Delta .

  13. 埃布罗河三角洲坐落于地中海地区,距离巴塞罗那仅两个小时的车程,这里一年的稻米产量是1。2亿公斤,是欧洲大陆最重要的稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona , the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year , making it one of the continent 's most important rice-growing areas .

  14. 这些蜗牛原产自南美洲,由全球水产技术公司意外地带入了埃布罗河三角洲,该公司曾为淡水水族馆饲养这些蜗牛,却不慎让它们逃脱了。

    Originally from South America , the snails were accidentally introduced into the Ebro Delta by Global Aquatic Technologies , a company that raised the snails for fresh-water aquariums , but failed to prevent their escape .

  15. 2018年,农民将在埃布罗河三角洲和欧洲其他两处主要的稻米产区——意大利的波河沿岸和法国的罗纳河种植最有希望的品种。

    In 2018 , farmers will plant the varieties with the most promise in the Ebro Delta and Europe 's other two main rice-growing regions — along the Po in Italy , and France 's Rh ô ne .

  16. 西班牙的埃布罗河三角洲因曾为西班牙内战期间的战场而出名,现在又成为另一场战争的所在地,那就是稻农们正面临两大敌人的挑战:以水稻为食的巨头苹果蜗牛,以及持续上升的海平面。

    The Ebro Delta , in Spain , famous as a battleground during the Spanish Civil War , is now the setting for a different contest , one that is pitting rice farmers against two enemies : the rice-eating giant apple snail , and rising sea levels .

  17. 金色的光线穿过长满青草的三角洲,动物们出来进食、饮水。

    With golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink .

  18. 这次冒险以几个狩猎营地作为基地,每天提供两次探索三角洲深处的独特旅程。

    Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure , providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta .

  19. 在非洲有许多地方可以进行游猎,但骑马穿越位于博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲的洪泛地区一定是世界上最令人兴奋的野生动物之旅之一。

    There are many places to go on safari in Africa , but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana 's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world 's most exciting wildlife journeys .

  20. 这艘船是“坚忍号”,它小巧、紧凑,由挪威制造,行驶需要三位船长。按计划,它本要载着厄内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士、一小队船员还有科学家共计27人前往南极洲威德尔海最南岸。

    The ship was the Endurance , a small , tight , Norwegian-built three-master that was intended to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists , 27 men in all , to the southernmost shore of Antarctica 's Weddell Sea .

  21. 最终,他们穿过大洋洲,来到了澳大利亚;

    Eventually , they crossed the whole Oceania and arrived in Australia .

  22. 三角洲河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带。

    A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river .

  23. 他曾去过尼罗河三角洲。

    He has been to the delta of the Nile .

  24. 大洋洲是最小的洲。

    Oceania is the smallest continent .

  25. 例句今日小常识官方纪录的最高陆地驾驶速度是763.035英里/小时(1227.985公里/小时)。1997年10月15日,英国人安迪•格林在美国内华达洲的黑岩沙漠里创造了此纪录。

    The official land-speed record measured is 763.035 miles per hour , set by Andy Green on 15 October 1997 in the Black Rock Desert .

  26. 来自大洋洲、亚洲、非洲和美国本土的世界一流艺术作品独木舟、雕刻、面具和纺织品——还有考古学史上最重要的发现,从路易斯李基在奥杜威峡谷发现的早期石器*到从罗马时期到中世纪的英国考古发现应有尽有。

    You can see in it world-class collections of Oceanic , Asian , African and native American art — canoes , sculptures , masks , and textiles — and major archaeological discoveries , ranging from the earliest stone tools , discovered by Louis Leakey in Olduvai Gorge7 , to British finds from Roman and medieval periods .

  27. GIS支持的珠江三角洲农业面源污染时空分析

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Agriculture Non-point Pollution in Pearl River Delta based on GIS

  28. GIS支持下珠江三角洲城镇建筑覆盖变化遥感监测分析

    Built-up Land-cover Change Monitoring by Remote Sensing of Urban Area in the Pearl River Delta Based on GIS

  29. SA主要由三角洲-滑塌浊积岩所构成,而SB主要为斜坡扇-盆底扇沉积体系。

    SA is mainly consisted of slope and basin fan sedimentary system .

  30. 在实数空间中M.珠江三角洲经济区河水中微量元素的空间分布

    Spatial distribution of trace element in rivers in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone