
zhōu jì
  • intercontinental
洲际 [zhōu jì]
  • [intercontinental] 洲与洲之间

  • 洲际乒乓球对抗赛

洲际[zhōu jì]
  1. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  2. 不如纽交所出名的洲际交易所(ICE)本月初完成了对前者的超越。

    The less well-known Intercontinental Exchange ( ice ) is taking over the NYSE as early as this month .

  3. 伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)的12月棉花价格为每磅75.9便士,创今年1月份以来的最低水平。

    ICE December cotton is trading at 75.90 cents a pound , the lowest since January .

  4. 洲际交易所(ICE)的10月期棉价格昨日为每磅65美分,8月份一度跌至五年低点。

    ICE October cotton futures traded at 65 cents a pound yesterday after hitting a five-year low in August .

  5. 伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)6月份交割的布伦特(Brent)原油价格上涨1.25美元,至每桶117.15美元。

    ICE June Brent rose $ 1.25 to $ 117.15 a barrel .

  6. 但去年第四季度,洲际交易所美国期货分所(icefuturesus)的日均交易量降幅仍达到7%。

    ICE Futures us still recorded a 7 per cent decline in average daily volume in the fourth quarter of last year .

  7. 早盘交易中,伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格上涨1.15美元,至每桶123.37美元,为2008年8月以来的最高水平。

    ICE May Brent early in the day rose $ 1.15 to $ 123.37 per barrel , the highest since August 2008 .

  8. 洲际酒店(intercontinentalhotels)也在计划进军中国的经济型酒店市场。

    InterContinental Hotels is also planning to tap the Chinese economy market .

  9. 这是自洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)2011年初开始发布交易头寸数据以来的最高水平。

    It is the highest level since the Intercontinental Exchange ( ICE ) started publishing position data in early 2011 .

  10. 5年前,洲际交易所和现为cme拥有的纽约商品交易所(newyorkmercantileexchange)也无法为它们的基准合约获取充足的流动性。

    Five years ago ice and the New York Mercantile Exchange now owned by CME were also unable to garner sufficient liquidity to their benchmarks .

  11. 港交所也超过了市值250亿美元、旗下拥有纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)的美国衍生品交易所运营商&洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)。

    The Hong Kong bourse also outstrips fellow US derivatives exchange operator Intercontinental Exchange , which owns the New York Stock Exchange and has a market valuation of $ 25bn .

  12. 排行榜前5位继续由洲际EMBA课程把持。

    The top five places continue to be dominated by intercontinental EMBAs .

  13. 洲际酒店集团(InterContinentalHotelsGroupPLC)表示,这些新限制正在挫伤人们赴华旅行的热情,对休闲游客和到中国开会和参加展会的人影响尤其明显。

    InterContinental Hotels Group PLC said the new visa restrictions are hurting business , particularly leisure travelers and those coming to China for conferences and exhibitions .

  14. 欧洲基准原油期货&伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格继周一下跌2.67美元后,再跌2.78美元,至121.20美元/桶。

    ICE May Brent , the European oil benchmark , fell $ 2.78 to $ 121.20 per barrel , with losses snowballing from a $ 2.67 fall on Monday .

  15. 举例来说,坐落在海边的香港洲际酒店(InterContinentalhotel)中有四家环境优雅的餐厅,各自都聘请了两位侍酒师。

    The four elegant restaurants in the InterContinental hotel on the Hong Kong waterfront , for example , employ two sommeliers each .

  16. 不过,几名高管表示,金管局已接洽了许多国际清算所,包括总部位于美国、一心想进军亚洲的洲际交易所(intercontinentalexchange)。

    However , several said MAS had approached a number of international clearing houses , including the US-based group intercontinental-exchange , which has Asian ambitions .

  17. 洲际交易所(ICE)的10月期棉价格昨日为每磅65美分,8月份一度跌至五年低点。今年以来,棉价累计下跌了27%。

    ICE October cotton futures traded at 65 cents a pound yesterday after hitting a five-year low in August . So far this year cotton prices are down 27 per cent .

  18. 洲际交易所计划斥资10亿美元,收购软性大宗商品交易所&纽约期货交易所(NewYorkBoardofTrade),但目前仍在等待批准。预计该交易将于明年年初完成。

    However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .

  19. 在美国,芝加哥商品交易所和洲际交易所(ICE)等交易所正在拓展新的业务,以响应监管机构关于将更多的场外(OTC)衍生品转入场内结算的要求。

    Exchanges such as CME and ICE in the US are building new businesses in response to regulators ' demands that more over-the-counter derivatives be cleared .

  20. 本周早些时候,洲际酒店(IntercontinentalHotels)表示,内地业务的强劲表现帮助其第三季度营业利润提高了33%。

    Intercontinental Hotels said earlier this week strong business in China helped to boost its operating profit by33 % in the third quarter .

  21. 过去一年内,洲际交易所美国期货分所(ICEFuturesUS)的棉花价格上涨33%,逼近15年高位,主要原因是经济复苏鼓舞消费者大胆购物,新兴经济体快速增长。

    Cotton prices on the ICE Futures US exchange have gained 33 per cent in the past year , approaching 15-year highs , as the recovery emboldens shoppers and emerging economies grow at a rapid pace .

  22. 在此“2013欧洲文化之都”(2013'sEuropeanCapitalofCulture),一家全新的洲际酒店(IntercontinentalHotel)现今正俯瞰着这个历史悠久的港口。在马赛,你能寻访到欧洲及地中海文化博物馆(MUCEM)和普罗旺斯博物馆(RegardsdeProvence)。

    In 2013 's European Capital of Culture , a new InterContinental Hotel now overlooks the historic port , where you can find the new MuCEM and Regards de Provence museums .

  23. 约翰•勒德洛(JohnLudlow)是洲际酒店集团(InterContinentalHotelsGroup)全球风险管理副总裁,他负责以1亿美元的年预算管理集团在全球100个国家的4600家酒店的业务风险。

    John Ludlow , vice-president for global risk management at InterContinental Hotels Group , runs a $ 100m budget to manage risk across IHG 's 4600 hotels in 100 countries .

  24. 举例来说,洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)正在与其它银行业集团合作运营一个清算系统,并且已经对价值逾600亿美元的合约进行了清算。

    The Intercontinental Exchange , for example , is running one clearing system in tandem with other banking groups , and has already managed to clear over $ 60bn worth of contracts .

  25. 位于美国的洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)决定,将开始在伦敦从事原油期货交易,与纽约商品交易所展开直接竞争,并击败对手,这一决定可以说也面临同样的难题。

    The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London , in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York .

  26. 该酒店的母公司洲际酒店集团(InterContinentalHotelsGroup)的女发言人埃玛·科科兰(EmmaCorcoran)拒绝了采访酒店总经理的请求。

    Emma Corcoran , a spokeswoman for the hotel 's parent company , InterContinental Hotels Group , declined a request for an interview with the hotel 's general manager .

  27. 亏损来自于以下一些物业投资:如欧洲央行(ECB)在法兰克福的总部、东京的一处地产开发项目,以及欧洲各地的洲际酒店(InterContinental)等。

    The losses are based on investments in properties such as the European Central Bank 's Frankfurt headquarters , a development in Tokyo and InterContinental hotels across Europe .

  28. 以每小时10英里的最大速度,这种车在格林威治半岛西部的洲际酒店(InterContinentalHotel)和东部的公寓区之间规律地运行,一路发出嘟嘟声。

    The vehicle runs regularly - at a maximum speed of 10mph , beeping continuously - between the InterContinental Hotel on the west of the peninsula and blocks of flats to the east .

  29. 为美国洲际交易所(icefutures)编制的一份报告称,沿着太平洋海岸线往南,加州已超越新奥尔良,成为美国最大棉花出口港。

    Down the coast , California has surpassed New Orleans as the top point of departure for us cotton shipments , " given the Asian orientation of exports " , according to a report prepared for the ice futures exchange .

  30. 参考资料部分提供在传统WAN、洲际传输和有损卫星链接中FASP性能相关的一些有趣统计信息。

    The Resources section provides some interesting statistics on FASP performance over traditional WAN , intercontinental transfers , and lossy satellite links .