
rèn shí lùn
  • epistemology;theory of knowledge
认识论 [rèn shi lùn]
  • [epistemology] 关于认识的来源以及认识的发展过程的哲学学说

  1. 论侦查策略的认识论和逻辑学原理

    On Theory of Knowledge and Logic in the Criminal Investigative Tactics

  2. 刑事非法证据排除规则的认识论基础

    Basic on Theory of Knowledge of Excluding Rules of Illegal Criminal Evidence

  3. 酶活性RNA(Ribozyme)的发现及其认识论

    Discovery of Ribozyme and its Epistemological implications Enzyme mimics

  4. 受到后j见代主义思维方式的深刻影响,女性主义认识论自身也经历了一个解构、移置与重构的过程,使女性主义向更高的层次与更深的维度发展。

    Deeply influenced by postmodernism way of thinking , feminism epistemology itself also experienced a process of deconstruction , displacing and reconstruction , developing to a higher level .

  5. 在Perry的开创性研究之后,众多学习观研究大致遵循质的整体学习观现象描述分析学和量的多维认识论信念两条路线。

    After Perry 's initial work , most study followed in the way of qualitative research and quantitative research respectively based on phenomenology and epistemological beliefs .

  6. 第一章,笔者从三个方面着手对STS教育产生和发展的背景进行了论述,首先,较为深入的论述了科学教育危机产生的根源和形式,试图从中揭示STS教育产生的认识论背景;

    In chapter one , the author started with three parts on the context of STS education : First , the author discussed the foot and form of the emergent science education crisis , tried to announce the epistemological context of STS education ;

  7. 生活认识论:一个实践观的比较研究

    Life Epistemology : A Comparative Study on Practical View First view

  8. 实践与创新关系的认识论诠释

    Explanation of Cognitive Theory About the Relationships Between Practice and Innovation

  9. 他提出,必须从认识论的高度对其进行把握。

    He proposes to grasp it from the way of epistemological .

  10. 认知是一个认识论概念,公正是一个伦理学、政治学概念。

    Cognition is a epistemological term and justice ethical or political .

  11. 三代领导人对资本主义的认识论之研究

    On the Knowledge of Capitalism of Three-generation Leaders of the Party

  12. 论火灾形成的认识论基础

    On the basis of the theory of epistemology of fire formation

  13. 传统自然认识论中的人文性与当代人聚环境

    Humanity of traditional natural epistemology and gather environment with contemporary people

  14. 探索一种基于城市认识论的城市设计理论

    Exploring an Urban Design Theory on the Basis of Urban Epistemology

  15. 发生认识论简介

    A Brief Review of Jean Piaget 's Theory of Genetic Epistemology

  16. 我国认识论研究的几个生长点

    On Several Growing Points of Epistemology Development in Our Country

  17. 非线性相互作用在本体论与认识论上引发了创新不确定性。

    Non-linear reciprocity gives rise to innovative uncertainty from ontology and epistemology .

  18. 推动德国古典美学继续由认识论向人类本体论转向;

    Promoting German Classical Aesthetics developing from epistemology to anthropology ;

  19. 良知坎陷说解决的只是一个历史问题,而不是认识论问题。

    The Tricked only solved a historical question , rather than epistemology .

  20. 经验与理性之间&简评休谟的认识论

    Between Experience and Reason : A Brief Comment on Hume 's Epistemology

  21. 论皮亚杰《发生认识论原理》中的辩证法思想

    Jean Piaget 's Dialectical Thought in Principles of Genetic Epistemology

  22. 它的研究具有其独特的主体论价值和认识论价值。

    It is of special value for subjects and cognition .

  23. 科学哲学的演变与信息系统认识论

    The Evolution of Philosophy of Science and Information System Epistemology

  24. 它是批判的、革命的辩证法;它是与认识论、逻辑学的同一。

    It is the epistemology and logics , one is the same .

  25. 同化和顺应是皮亚杰发生认识论中的两个重要概念。

    Assimilation and Accommodation are two important concepts in Piaget 's epistemology .

  26. 认识论就是认识的生活论。

    Thus the theory of knowledge is the cognitive theory of life .

  27. 远程开放教育的认识论意义初探

    On the Epistemology Significance of Open & Distance Education

  28. 明末中西认识论观念的会通

    The Interaction of Epistemological Ideas between China and the West in Late Ming

  29. 真理问题是马克思主义认识论的核心内容,也是整个哲学的主题。

    Truth has been the core of Marxism and the theme of philosophy .

  30. 同时,近代美学也被置于认识论哲学的规定之下。

    Meanwhile , the classical aesthetics is under the stipulation of epistemological philosophy .