
rèn shi
  • recognize;be aware of;awareness;understand;know;realization;knowledge;cognition;cognizance;be familiar with;awakening;acquaintanceship
认识 [rèn shi]
  • (1) [know;recognize]

  • (2) 确定某物

  • 认识某人

  • (3) 知晓;认明

  • 感到人能够认识客观真理

  • [understanding;knowledge] 头脑对客观世界的反映

  • 感性认识

认识[rèn shi]
  1. 你将会开始认识这一小瓶橄榄油。

    You 'll be familiar with thelittle bottle of olive oil .

  2. 主要从事电子产品结构的开发与跟踪出产,认识产品开发流程。

    Mainly engaged in electronic product development and production structure , be familiar with product development process .

  3. 他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

    He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party .

  4. 我们没有充分认识到他的病情很严重。

    We didn 't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill .

  5. 越来越多的人认识到改革势在必行。

    There is a growing realization that changes must be made .

  6. 你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。

    It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship .

  7. 有许多人我都不认识。

    There were a whole lot of people I didn 't know .

  8. 他是通过电脑红娘认识他妻子的。

    He met his wife through a computer dating agency .

  9. 她声称不认识他,我觉得真是耐人寻味。

    I find it interesting that she claims not to know him .

  10. 你一定认识他——他是这一带的知名人士!

    You must know him ─ he 's an institution around here !

  11. 我不认识他,他是百分之百的陌生人。

    I don 't know him ─ he 's a perfect stranger .

  12. 我们已认识多年。

    We 've known each other for donkey 's years .

  13. 我们首先要考虑的是教育人民,使他们认识毒品的危险。

    Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs .

  14. 我希望你能认识到这一罪行的严重性。

    I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime .

  15. 她对世界的认识是非常狭隘的。

    She has a very narrow view of the world .

  16. 她根据其精神实质来认识此事。

    She took it in the spirit in which it was intended .

  17. 这场灾难的深重程度是无法充分认识的。

    It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster .

  18. 我们在彼此都认识的朋友家中会面。

    We met at the home of a mutual friend .

  19. 我听说他们是在意大利认识的。

    I 've heard it said they met in Italy .

  20. 他认识她,但未有过肌肤之亲。

    He had known her ─ but not in the biblical sense .

  21. 他是弗洛伊德的同代人,可能认识弗洛伊德。

    He was a contemporary of Freud and may have known him .

  22. 两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。

    They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office .

  23. 要是我假装不认识你,你别觉得奇怪。

    Don 't be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you .

  24. 我认识他的时间没有你长。

    I haven 't known him as long as you .

  25. 我是老主顾,他们都认识我。

    They know me ─ I 'm a regular customer .

  26. 认识他的人都很喜欢他。

    He was much loved by all who knew him .

  27. 这场运动旨在提高民众对这些问题的认识。

    The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues .

  28. 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。

    This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning .

  29. 你认识皮特吗?他风趣得很。

    Do you know Pete ? He 's hilarious .

  30. 我想介绍你认识一个人。

    There 's someone I want you to meet .