
rèn zhī kē xué
  • cognitive science
  1. 苏塞克斯大学认知科学教授、人工智能先驱玛格丽特·博登对这场讨论表示赞扬。

    AI pioneer Margaret Boden , professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex , praised the progress of such discussions .

  2. 心智(mind)现象是认知科学研究中的重要主题。

    Phenomena of mind is an important topic in cognitive science .

  3. 关键词:DNA,智力系统,万有智力,智因,智因自主设计论,哲学,认知科学。

    KEY WORDS : DNA , intelligent system , universal intelligence , intelligent gene ( IG ), theory of independent intelligent gene , philosophy , cognitive science .

  4. 大脑协同学、Lorenz模型和认知科学

    Cerebrum synergetics , Lorenz model and cognition science

  5. 《认知科学论题》杂志(TopicsinCognitiveScience)上最近刊登的一项研究指出,老年人头脑中的信息要多比年轻人多得多,因此要提取信息自然也就需要更长的时间。

    A recent study in Topics in Cognitive Science pointed out that older people have much more information in their brains than younger ones , so retrieving it naturally takes longer .

  6. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  7. Pearl提出的因果推理方法,该方法的基本思想是把因果推理看成是一种计算模式,而这种把智能归结为计算模式的想法正是认知科学中的核心思想。

    Pearl 's method in dealing with causal reasoning , which treats causation as a computational schema . This idea of treating intelligence as computational schema is the basic idea of cognitive science .

  8. 本文运用认知科学和语用学知识,探索性地提出了用于解释和理解两条重要的语用原则CP和PP的认知模式。

    In the article , the author tries to postulate a cognitive model for a better understanding for the processing of CP and PP , the two most important principles in pragmatics .

  9. 概念隐喻(conceptualmetaphor)的提出引起认知科学界和认知哲学界的广泛关注,脑神经科学的发展也证明概念隐喻的预设,即思维的来源是大脑。

    Conceptual metaphor has caused a considerable concern of cognitive science and philosophy of cognition , and the development of brain science has proved the presumption of conceptual metaphor & the brain is the source of thinking .

  10. 工程图样计算机理解,是一个工程图学、计算机图形学、认知科学、信息科学以及计算机辅助设计技术等多个研究领域相互交叉的课题,在CAD/CAM领域中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Computer interpretation of engineering drawing is an intersectant subject of engineering graphics , computer graphics , cognitive science , information science and computer aided design . It will be a promise application in the area of CAD / CAM .

  11. 基于案例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)作为人工智能由表层的机器模仿向深层的机器思维发展中的一种形式已得到认知科学和人工智能研究者越来越多的重视。

    The Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) that has developed from the skin-deep machine imitation to the deep-seated machine thinking technology has already been attached more importance by the cognitive science and AI researchers .

  12. 后来梅里尔从陶沙大学(UniversityofTulsa)获得了社会学与经济学学位,然后赴普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)深造,获得认知科学博士学位,一路打拼,最后当上了谷歌公司(Google)的信息总监。

    After earning degrees in sociology and economics from the University of Tulsa , Merrill went on to receive a Ph.D. in cognitive science from Princeton and eventually became the chief information officer at Google ( GOOG ) .

  13. 根据认知科学理论,在并行分布处理(PDP)模型基础上,提出了一种基于事例推理的模糊神经网络(CBRFNN)。

    A case-based-reasoning fuzzy-neural-network ( CBRFNN ) is presented based on cognitive science and Parallel Distributed Processing ( PDP ) model .

  14. 以Lakoff和Johnson为代表的语言学家从认知科学的角度研究隐喻,揭示语言的起源、发展和使用乃至人类认知思维和智能发展的奥秘。

    Linguists , such as Lakoff and Johnson , from the cognitive perspective , study metaphor to explore the origin , development and usage of languages as well as the cognitive mystery of human minds .

  15. 然而,Krashen对输入和语言习得机制作用的论述使它有别于其他强调语言习得先天性的理论。随着认知科学的发展,人们开始研究语言习得过程中的认知心理过程。

    With the development of cognitive science , researchers begin to look into the cognitive process underlying language learning and language acquisition .

  16. 近年来,fMRI在现代科学尤其是认知科学领域得到了广泛应用,在精确定位脑功能区和发现脑认知网络中起到了无可替代的作用。

    In recent years , fMRI in modern science especially in the field of cognitive science has been widely applied in the accurate localization of brain function , and found that the brain cognitive network plays an irreplaceable role .

  17. 思维的自然化理论&关于思维规律在认知科学中的产生

    A Naturalized Theory for Thinking Thinking Laws from the Cognitive Science

  18. 论认知科学对文章阅读研究的影响

    The influences of cognitive science on the study of text comprehension

  19. 从20世纪七八十年代起,认知科学有了很大的发展。

    Since the 1970s , cognitive science has achieved great development .

  20. 认知科学对话语分析学科的本体论渗透

    From the Cognitive Sciences to Discourse Analysis : A Theoretical Perspective

  21. 认知科学研究纲领的困境与走向

    Dilemma and Development Trend of the Research Program for Cognition Science

  22. 马克思主义认识论与认知科学的比较研究

    The Compared Study of the Marxism Epistemology and the Cognition Science

  23. 认知科学视野中的外语教学研究&以阅读理解为例

    On Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Based on Cognitive Science

  24. 认知科学与哲学关系的历史审视

    Historical Survey on the Relationship between Cognitive Science and Philosophy

  25. 人类认识过程与意识的扩展&一种关于认知科学的探讨

    Knowing and the Expansion of Consciousness & An Exploration of Cognitive Science

  26. 认知科学视野中的哲学方法

    On the Philosophical Method in the Vision of Cognitive Science

  27. 他在认知科学领域非常有名。

    He is well-known in the field of cognitive science .

  28. 从排比示例管窥修辞学与认知科学的关联性

    The Relevance between Rhetoric and Cognitive Science from the Perspective of Parallelism

  29. 认知科学与语言学结合成一门新的学科&认知语言学。

    Cognitive science and linguistics combines a new subject & cognitive linguistics .

  30. 认知科学的研究成果为研究口译过程开辟了新的道路。

    The research results of Cognitive Science provide enlightenment for interpretation research .