
shù jù kù
  • database;data base;data bank;data library;data pool
数据库[shù jù kù]
  1. 分部官员可以利用中央数据库。

    Branch officials can access the central data bank .

  2. 与Internet相结合建立现代化图书馆多媒体数据库

    Connection with Internet to Build Modern Library 's Multimedia Data Bank

  3. 作者索引和学科索引可在图书馆的数据库中找到。

    Author and subject indexes are available on a library database .

  4. 数据库可以用作大学里的一种教学辅助手段。

    The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges .

  5. 我退出数据库后关掉了计算机。

    I exited the database and switched off the computer .

  6. 第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。

    In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database .

  7. 等我们把数据库弄好以后,就省事多了。

    It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running .

  8. 接入远程数据库来获取信息是可以办到的。

    It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information .

  9. 为了便于讨论,不妨假定我们成功地建立了一个令人满意的数据库。

    Let 's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database

  10. 该数据库在其内部以及和数千个外部链接之间充分实现了超链接。

    The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links .

  11. 计算机数据库正在迅速激增。

    Computerized data bases are proliferating fast

  12. 可是即便有了那些数据库,数据的数量之大仍然会带来问题。

    But even with those databases , the sheer quantity of data can still cause problems .

  13. 该数据库能让你以多种方式获取销售数字。

    The database allows you to access the sales figures in a number of ways .

  14. 尚不存在包括数百万人脸的公共数据库。

    There are no public databases that contain millions of faces .

  15. 随着数据库的增大,机器的精确度全面下降。

    As the databases grew , machine accuracy dipped across the board .

  16. “一旦我们将数据库扩展,算法就必须对身份的微小变化十分敏感,同时也不受光线条件、姿势和年龄的影响,”凯麦尔玛彻·希尔泽曼说。

    Once we scale up , algorithms must be sensitive to tiny changes in identities and at the same time invariant to lighting , pose , age , Kemelmacher-Shlizerman said .

  17. 如果给一台适宜的电脑植入一个庞大的人面数据库,它就能够处理它所看见的东西——然后按照指示识别人脸——其速度和精度都十分出色。

    Give the right computer a massive database of faces , and it can process what it sees-then recognize a face it 's told to find-with remarkable speed and precision .

  18. 例如,在处理含有13000张图像的数据库时,算法的精确度达到95%,但在面对100万张图像时精确度下滑至70%左右。

    Algorithms that were right 95 % of the time when they were dealing with a 13 , 000-image database , for example , were accurate about 70 % of the time when confronted with 1 million images .

  19. 例如,多学科数据库德律阿得斯是最受欢迎的数据集之一,它与全球木材密度有关。

    For   example ,   one   of   the   most   popular   data   sets   on multidisciplinary   repository   Dryad   is   about   wood   density   around   the   world .

  20. 为了弄清楚电脑的困难所在,华盛顿大学的研究人员创建了一个庞大的人脸数据库——他们称之为“巨型面”——并随着复杂性的逐步加大,测试各类人脸识别算法。

    To begin to figure out how computers are struggling , researchers at the University of Washington created a massive database of faces - they call it MegaFace - and tested a variety of facial-recognition algorithms as they scaled up in complexity .

  21. 问题在于,对许多想要设计系统来处理这些挑战的研究人员而言,并不存在实验所需的庞大数据库——至少,学术研究人员拿不到适当形式的数据。

    The trouble is , for many of the researchers who 'd like to design systems to address these challenges , massive datasets for experimentation just don 't exist -- at least , not in formats that are accessible to academic researchers .

  22. 美国国家运输安全委员会发现,它的民航数据库中有73%的事故发生在机组人员一起飞行的首日。

    America 's National Transportation Safety Board found that 73 % of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew 's first day of flying together .

  23. 被ScienceDirect数据库描述为“化学清洗剂”的羟基自由基是大气中发现的重要化合物,可以和其他有机分子发生反应。

    Hydroxyl radicals , described as a " chemical scavenger12 " by Science Direct , are important chemical compounds found in the atmosphere due to the reactive nature with other organic molecules13 .

  24. APEC交流与数据库系统

    APEC Communications and Database System ACE

  25. 一个数据库管理系统(DBMS)是一个综合性的软件工具,用户可以用来建立、

    A database management system ( DBMS ) is a comprehensive software tool that allows users to create .

  26. 维护和操纵数据库,以便产生有关的管理信息。

    maintain , and manipulate the database to produce the relevant management information .

  27. 该数据库将让法治服务及时方便“飞入寻常百姓家”。

    The database will make legal services more accessible to the general public .

  28. 文中简要介绍了数据库系统、多数据库系统的发展

    This paper introduces the development of Database system and multidatabase system compendiously .

  29. 我们计划建一个联机数据库。

    We planned to build an online database .

  30. 计算机化的数据库正在激增。

    Computerized data bases are proliferating fast .