
shù jù jié ɡòu
  • data structure
  1. 基于Internet的《数据结构》网络课程的设计实现

    Design and Realization of " Data Structure " Network Course Based on Internet

  2. 并给出了控件的C语言数据结构和工作流程图。

    And the C - language data structure and flow charts are given .

  3. 基于Web环境的《数据结构》网络课程资源一体化设计与开发

    Design and Development of Courseware Data Structure Based on Web Environment

  4. Web具有四个特点:庞大性、动态性、异构性、半结构化的数据结构环境。

    Four characteristics of Web are the following : Big scale , Dynamic , Isomerous and Half-structured data condition .

  5. 为此,本文重点介绍了MSproject的主要功能、数据结构、数据的存取方式以及集成MSproject数据源的详细过程。

    This paper introduce the function , data structure and how to take the data from MS Project .

  6. 但同时也带来了其自身新的设计问题,必须重新设计数据库算法及数据结构,以便更有效的利用CPU及内存空间。

    However meanwhile , new design problem of database itself has occurred .

  7. NET、数据库、数据结构、网络通信等技术,设计了健康评估系统的解决方案。

    NET , database , data structure , network communication etc , the health assessment system 's solution is designed .

  8. UNIX与Web数据结构分析设计及其数据转换研究

    A Study on the Data Structure and Data Exchange between the UNIX System and Web Database Systems

  9. 数据结构CAI中程序可视化的实现方法

    Implementation Method of Program Visualization in Data Structure CAI

  10. RFPA~(2D)软件的数据结构优化及其存储组织

    Data Structure Optimization and Storage Organization of the RFPA ~ ( 2D ) Software

  11. 类似地,同样可以无干扰地记录Linux内核数据结构的日志,甚至进行修改。

    Similarly , Linux kernel data structures can also be logged and even modified non-disruptively , as well .

  12. 从最基础的角度而言,这意味着有反映SOAP信封的内部数据结构。

    Fundamentally it means that there 's an internal data structure that mirrors the SOAP envelope .

  13. 为此,本论文提出了基于开放数据结构及构件的CAPP系统研究。

    This paper puts forward CAPP system research based on open data-structure and component .

  14. 本工作室开发的数据结构可视化类库(JVDSCL,VisualDataStructuresClassLibraryinJava)将可视化技术引入数据结构类库,实现了数据结构可视化。

    JVDSCL ( Visual Data Structures Class Library in Java ) implements the data structures visualization through the visualization technology .

  15. 超媒体CAI课件数据结构设计

    Hyper-Media CAI Courseware Data Structure Design

  16. 分析UNIX操作系统终端接口的数据结构。

    The data structure of the terminal interface about UNIX operating system is analyzed .

  17. 第二个表DataStructureswithLargeDropsinReachSize列出了主要堆转储上由单个转储分析标识的数据结构。

    The second table , Data Structures with Large Drops in Reach Size , lists data structures identified by the single dump analysis on the primary heap dump .

  18. 这些方法与文档模型的方法有许多相似处,但是它们更进一步将XML文档映射到实际应用程序数据结构中。

    These have many similarities to the document model approaches , but they go a step further by mapping XML documents into actual application data structures .

  19. 唯一可用的集合数据结构是向量栈、枚举和hash表。

    The only available collection data structures are vectors , stacks , enumerations , and hash tables .

  20. 为了计算销售机会提要中每个条目的库存需求,生产经理需要创建一个主细(masterdetail)数据结构。

    In order to calculate the inventory requirements for each entry in the sales leads feed , the production manager needs to create a master detail data structure .

  21. 在这个DataBinding向导的首页,您要为这个您想要映射到Java的数据结构选择后端系统语言。

    On the fist page of the Data Binding wizard , you have to select the backend system language for the data structure that you want to map to Java .

  22. 存储的字符串实际上是JavaScript源代码,它执行时会产生原始的数据结构。

    The stored string is actually JavaScript source code , which , when evaluated , produces the original data structure .

  23. 本文介绍了基于单缓冲区和多缓冲区的生产者与消费者问题在JAVA中的多种实现机制,其中主要利用了数据结构中的循环队列和堆栈来模拟实现。

    Some methods accomplishing the problem of producer-consumer with single-buffer and multi-buffer in JAVA were introduced , which mainly use circulating queue and stack in Data Structure .

  24. 研究了筒仓结构CAD软件前处理的界面设计、数据结构和图形数据的存储,并给出了交互式操作的菜单及功能。

    The interface design , date structure and data saving was researched . Further more , the menu and its function of man-machine conversation manipulation were discussed .

  25. 如果在开发阶段数据结构就可以确定的话,SDO体系结构还提供了静态API功能。

    The SDO architecture also provides static API capabilities when the data structure is defined at development time .

  26. 以非线性数据结构图为模型,设计了某市导游咨询程序,并给出了其核心函数的类C语言算法

    Having nonlinear graph of data structure as model , this paper designs one city 's tour-guide inquiring program and gives C alike algorithm of main program and key function . WTO Consultancy

  27. 最简单的检验方法是测试parse方法返回的数据结构。

    The easiest way to check is to test the data structure returned from the parse method .

  28. gather()函数迭代页面上的所有小部件,并将该信息收集到一个单独的数据结构中。

    The gather () function iterates through all the widgets on the page and gathers this information into a single data structure .

  29. 在该示例中,您可以看到两个解析器,一个理解COBOL数据结构,另一个理解XML。

    In the example you can see two parsers , one that understands COBOL data structures and another that understands XML .

  30. 本文在对现有三维空间数据结构进行分析的基础上,结合三维空间地质数据特征,提出实现地质体三维可视化的方法CAD边界表示法。

    Firstly the author analyzes the 3D spatial data structure and brings forward " method of CAD-Boundary Representation " which is a 3D visualization method of geological entity .