
shù kòng jī chuáng
  • CNC;nc machine;numerically controlled machine tool;Numerical Control Machine Tools
  1. 文章提出了采用磁悬浮技术来消除龙门移动式数控机床中移动部件与静止导轨之间存在的摩擦。

    In this paper , the magnetic suspension technique is presented for eliminating the friction between moving parts and still rail in the gantry-moving type numerically controlled machine tool .

  2. 刀具补偿及编程在数控机床中的应用

    The application of cutter compensation and program ming to numerically controlled machine tool

  3. 基于Internet的数控机床远程监控技术

    A Technique of NC Machine Tool Remote Monitoring Based on Internet

  4. 数控机床电气系统CAD研究

    The study for CAD in numerically controlled machine tools of electrical system

  5. PLC在数控机床手轮控制中的应用

    The Application for PLC in Handwheel control of Numerical Control Machine

  6. PLC程序对数控机床初始故障的诊断方法

    Diagnosis upon the Initial Breakdown of NC Machines in the Light of PLC Program

  7. 基于H∞理论的数控机床磁悬浮轴承控制器的研究

    The research of magnetic suspension bearing controller for NC machine tool based on H ∞ theory

  8. 基于神经网络和PID算法的数控机床并行混合控制模型

    Parallel Hybrid Control Model for CNC Machine Based on Neural Network and PID Algorithm

  9. 基于FPGA数控机床的加减速电路

    FPGA-based Acceleration and Deceleration Circuit for CNC Machine Tools

  10. PC机与数控机床CNC系统通信

    Communication between PC and CNC System of Machine Tool

  11. 基于ADAMS的重型数控机床进给系统仿真

    Simulation of Heavy NC Machine Tool Feed System Based on ADAMS

  12. 模糊自校正PID控制器在数控机床交流伺服系统中的应用

    The implementation of fuzzy PID controller with self-tuning in the AC servo system of numerically controlled machine tools

  13. 数控机床CNC系统LCD显示器的原理与维修

    The Principle and the Maintenance of LCD Screen for the CNC System of the Machine Tool

  14. 为了得到新型并联数控机床的NC程序,需要进行前置处理和后置处理。

    Main-process and post-process are investigated to get the NC program of the new type of parallel machine tool .

  15. 本系统不但可应用于异地制造、数控机床加工仿真,还可应用于基于WEB的数控机床操作、编程与加工培训等方面。

    This system can be used in remote manufacturing , NC machining simulation , Web-based NC programming , training for NC machining and other areas in the future .

  16. 经济型数控机床中的实时CRT显示技术

    The Real-time Display Technique in CRT of a Cheap Numerical Control Tool

  17. 基于VRML的数控机床的虚拟操作研究

    Study of VRML-Based Virtual Manipulation for NC Machine Tool

  18. 参数自调整Fuzzy-PID对数控机床进给系统的研究

    A Fuzzy-PID Controller for Self-Tuning of a Feed Drive System in CNC Machines

  19. 将此算法用于多轴联动数控机床的自动编程中,经过扩展可以研制具有自动生成无干涉刀位轨迹的CAM软件模块。

    If it is used in programming automatically on NC tools , we can get a CAM software module that can create cutter-trace without interference automatically .

  20. 对PRS-XY型混联数控机床的关键结构参数误差的快速检测技术进行了研究。

    Based on the PRS-XY type hybrid CNC Machine , some researches were done on rapid test of errors of key structure parameters .

  21. 并且利用软件完成FANUC数控机床的数据采集和实时监控。

    And use the software of FANUC machine data acquisition and real-time monitoring .

  22. 文中使用径向基函数理论建立了基于RBF神经网络的数控机床热误差数学模型。

    A neural network based on radial basis function ( RBF ) was used to predict and compensate the thermal error of a CNC turning center .

  23. 在开放式数控机床主轴控制中的运行实例表明,所开发的软PLC系统能准确可靠地运行,达到了预期逻辑控制的目的;

    The run fact in principal axis controlling of machine tool of open NC system proves that the soft PLC system can work well and truly , and logical control is reasonable .

  24. 得到一种简便的提高CCR干涉仪、干涉测长、数控机床干涉条纹对比度的方法;

    A method of raising pattern contrast in CCR interferometer , interference measure length and digital control device are obtained .

  25. CNC系统是数控机床的重要组成部分,在可靠性研究过程中,该系统故障数据较少且受多种因素影响。

    The CNC system is important composition of CNC machine tool , and the system has little malfunction data as well as influencing by many factors in the research process of reliability .

  26. 指出了这台铣床PLC程序设计中的重点问题,为此类高速数控机床的控制提供了技术参考。

    The main point in the PLC programming design for the high speed milling machine is pointed out . It provides the technical reference for the control of this kind of high speed CNC machine .

  27. 传统的制造加工过程,一般都是通过在数控机床上对NC代码进行空运行或是采用较软、较便宜的材料进行样件试切操作,以检验数控代码的正确性与合理性。

    During the traditional process of manufacture , in general , that numerical control machine tool virtually run the NC code or testing cut more soft and cheap material can test the numerical control code .

  28. 根据推导结果,开发了UCP600五轴数控机床专用后置处理程序,经实验验证可以满足五轴联动后置处理的要求。

    The experiment result has met the requirements to five-axis post processing .

  29. 以西门子S7-200系列PLC为核心的某数控机床磨头控制系统,使用VB6.0软件,在Windows环境下通过专用电缆RS-232/PPI实现上位机与PLC的串行通信。

    The control system of CNC machine tool based on the Siemens S7-200 of PLC uses VB6.0 under windows to realize the serial communication between host computer and PLC through cableRS-232 / PPI .

  30. 数控机床CBID系统中的造型案例研究

    Forming Cases Study in CBID System of NCMT