
  • 网络Student computers;Classmate PC;CMPC
  1. 新世纪学生电脑工业设计开发研究

    Industrial Design and Research on Pupil Computer in the New Century

  2. 学生电脑市场需求和潜力巨大。

    It is enormous to the potential market and demand of pupil computer .

  3. 教学模式由传统的粉笔加黑板、课本加教案变为教师学生电脑的三元交流,教学过程变为问题情境数学探究数学知识的三步循环。

    The tradition model of teaching - blackboard adds chalk and textbook ads teaching plan will be instead by new model-the exchanges between " students-teacher-computer " and the circle of " problem circumstance - mathematic experiment-mathematics knowledge " .

  4. 作者还提出了六套前瞻性的学生电脑概念设计方案,在造型、色彩和使用方式上对学生电脑进行了全新的设计和诠释,以探索学生电脑的未来发展方向。

    Author brings forward six advanced concept design plans of pupil computer , and have a new design and explain to pupil computer on design style , color and using method , in order to explore the future developing of pupil computer .

  5. 本课程旨在教导学生运用电脑,学习有关电脑3D视觉模拟的技术。

    This curriculum is main was teaching the student studies related computer3D the technology .

  6. 有些学生对电脑游戏很感兴趣。

    Some students are very interested in computer games .

  7. 不要因为你的学生懂电脑就意味着他们会搞研究。

    Just because your students are computer-literate doesn 't mean they are research-literate .

  8. 本课程对学生介绍电脑演算法的分析与设计。

    This course introduces students to the analysis and design of computer algorithms .

  9. 无论什麽原因,学生使用电脑还是存在很多问题的。

    Whatever the reason , there are still some problems with student use of computers .

  10. 学生利用电脑控制操作各种不同的特殊机械来镀铬。

    Students work with different vintages of tools , from computer controlled to chrome plated .

  11. 为协助学生提升电脑资讯素养的相关知能,并能有效利用网路资源达自我学习效能。

    Helping students to promote their Information literacy by using of the on line technology .

  12. 让学生对于电脑与网路的使用,有正确的观念。

    This course will lead students to have right intentions for using computer and the internet .

  13. 第一,许多学生使用电脑仅仅是玩游戏或者上网聊天。

    First , many students use computers only to play games or chat on the internet .

  14. 想把软件测试作为职业,实习,或合作的学生和电脑爱好者。

    Students or computer hobbyists interested in software testing as a full-time job , internship , or co-op.

  15. 这种结果是学生使用电脑和网络的熟练程度造成的。

    The results caused by the proficiency of students ' skills in using computer and internet . 2 .

  16. 学生笔记本电脑

    Notebook for the Student

  17. 采用电脑幻灯教学顺利完成了本科生理论教学任务,92.13%的学生支持电脑幻灯教学。

    The undergraduate course was accomplished successfully by using slides . The 92.13 % of all students agreed to slides teaching .

  18. 另一方面,许多学生把电脑运用到了其他地方。

    On the other hand , there are a lot of students whose laptops are used in quite a different way .

  19. 本课程将会要求学生在电脑虚拟环境下建立一套完整的建筑流览模型;

    Students will be required to build computer models that will lead to a full package of architectural explorations within a computational environment .

  20. 因此,现在正是家长和学校应该对这个问题提高警觉,限制学生接触电脑游戏。

    Therefore , it is high time that parents and schools should be alert to the problem and restrict children 's access to those computer games .

  21. 不同性别的学生在电脑游戏成瘾总分以及五个因素上的得分存在显著性差异,且男生高于女生。

    Gender difference existed among the total score as well as five factors of computergames scores . Also the score of male students were higher than the female students .

  22. 学生在电脑室上课,教材以任务式编排,每课都会创设不同情景,向学生提出相应的任务。

    The student attends class in computer room , teaching material weaves with task type , metropolis activate does not sympathize with every class scene , offer corresponding job to the student .

  23. 从上面所列的图表,可以看出学生对电脑的使用已经从1990年的平均每周不到两个小时增加到了2000年的每周20小时。

    From the graph listed above , it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in1990 to20 hours in2000 .

  24. 它有点像一个为教师设计的远程桌面:教师可以看到所有学生的电脑屏幕,同时学生也可以实时地看到老师的电脑屏幕。

    It 's sort of like a remote desktop designed for teachers : the teacher can view all the screens at the same time , while the student can view the teacher 's screen in real-time .

  25. 通过数据统计和分析,得出了如下结论:(1)市场中的信息不对称是普遍存在的。本研究通过对学生笔记本电脑市场的调查,进一步证实了市场中存在这个问题。

    Some results have been concluded from the statistics as below : ( 1 ) Asymmetric information exists in the market universally , which has been further proved by the research of the student market of notebook PC.

  26. 许多学生喜欢使用电脑,这使学习更有趣。

    Many students like to work with computers , which makes learning more fun .

  27. 因加卡尔博尼(IngaCarboni)是威廉玛丽学院梅森商学院(CollegeofWilliamandMaryMasonSchoolofBusiness)一名助理教授,她禁止学生将手提电脑与手机带入自己的课堂。

    Inga Carboni , an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary Mason School of Business , has banned laptops and mobile phones in her classroom .

  28. TGS的学生通过笔记本电脑与移动科技与人们联系,并积极地影响着他们。

    TGS students and teachers will use laptops and mobile technology to connect with and impact people around the world in dynamic and profound ways .

  29. 过去22年中,格勒诺贝尔管理学院一直要求学生拥有个人电脑。现在的问题是了解iPad能不能取代电脑,创新实验室负责人马克安贝尔(MarcHumbert)表示。

    For the past 22 years , Grenoble students have been asked to have a PC. The question now is to find out whether the iPad will replace PCs , says Marc Humbert , head of the Innovation Laboratory .

  30. 我认为i学生会用电脑,但是在学校里。

    I think students will use computers , but in school .