
  • 网络Desktop Computer;desktop PC
  1. 台式计算机、基础式移动电话和盒式电视机定义了1992年。

    Desktop computers , basic mobile phones , and box-set TVs defined 1992 .

  2. 为了构建和安装MPI,以root用户的身份从台式计算机登录到n1。

    In order to build and install MPI , log in as user root on n1 from the desktop .

  3. 使用一个台式计算机和浏览器(Web客户端)对商品进行搜索和研究更容易。

    It 's easier to search and do research on items using a desktop computer and a browser ( web client ) .

  4. Web应用程序传统上是基于访问者拥有带大屏幕和鼠标的台式计算机这样的假设而设计的。

    Web applications are traditionally designed based on the assumption that visitors will have a desktop computer with a large screen and a mouse .

  5. 我见到了第一台台式计算机HP1900

    And I saw the first desktop computer ever made which was the HP 1900 .

  6. 本文考虑到很多人在其台式计算机上与MicrosoftOffice一起安装了MicrosoftAccess。

    This article takes into account that many people have Microsoft Access running on their desktop computers installed along with Microsoft Office .

  7. 用于适配器、LCD电源和台式计算机电源的奇妙绿色芯片

    The Wonder of Green Chip for Adapters , LCD Power Supply and Desktop PC Power Supply

  8. “我们没有想到HTCfryer的价格比这个要高”易观国际的台式计算机分析员孙培林说。

    " We did not expect the HTC Flyer 's price to be that high ," said Sun Peilin , tablet computer analyst at Analysys International .

  9. 根据线阵CCD精密测量系统数据传输、存储量大,计算复杂,运动控制实时性强的特点,介绍了一种用单片机完成前端实时控制,台式计算机作后台数据处理计算机的主从式控制模式。

    According to characteristics of the precision measure systems based on linear array CCD that mass of data access , complex calculation and strong real-time motion control . a kind of master-slave control mode with real-time control by SCM , and using table-computer for background data processing is proposed .

  10. nanoHUB充分地利用了NCN站点所提供的大量特殊用途的工具,然后依赖VNC的RFB协议,以便将可视化结果传递到nanoHUB客户端所在的台式计算机。

    NanoHUB takes advantage of plenty of special-purpose facilities hosted at NCN sites , then relies on VNC 's RFB protocol to communicate the visual results to the desktops where nanoHUB 's clients sit .

  11. 我的计算机是品质卓越的台式计算机。

    My computer is a desktop computer of excellent quality .

  12. 对于研究人员所连接的各种台式计算机,它们在技术功能上有着很大的不同。

    The technical capabilities of the desktops with which researchers connect differ wildly .

  13. 配置批准的客户端硬件(便携式和台式计算机)

    Configure approved client hardware ( laptops and desktops )

  14. 手持设备在多个重要的方面比台式计算机更受限制。

    Handheld devices are more limited than desktop computers in several important ways .

  15. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。

    The desk calculator use a roll of paper .

  16. 通过执行下面这些步骤,您可以在自己的台式计算机中显示纳米管模拟

    You can display the nanotube simulation live on your own desktop through these steps

  17. 这种方法在台式计算机和自行车里程表中是通用的。

    Such a method is commonly used in desk calculating machines and bicycle cyclometers .

  18. 如果使用的是台式计算机,您的计划将显示在“首选计划”下面。

    If you are using a desktop computer , your plan appears under preferred plans .

  19. 让我们先看一下普通台式计算机的主要组成部分。

    Let 's take a look at the main components of a typical desktop computer .

  20. 泛指不指定品牌的个人台式计算机。

    A non-manufacturer-specific personal desktop computer .

  21. 该系统是由台式计算机、称重卡、压力传感器和秤台组成。

    Such system is composed of desktop computer , weighting card , pressure sensor and weighting table .

  22. 按键程序式函数台式计算机

    Key program type function computer

  23. 马里兰周的法律适用于台式计算机、膝上型计算机和电脑监视器,但不包括电视机。

    Maryland 's law applies to desktop PCs , laptops and computer monitors but does not include televisions .

  24. 我从一个台式计算机宅男极客变成了一个爱骑自行车去工作的人--为了玩乐。

    I went from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work . For fun !

  25. 音频技术的发展使过去需要大量音频的一些工具进入了台式计算机。

    The evolution of audio technology has brought tools that used to require an expensive studio onto the desktop computer .

  26. 同样地,对于一个主要包含台式计算机,位置固定的网络来说,设置较长的租约期限比较好。

    Likewise , for a stable network that consists mainly of desktop computers at fixed locations , longer lease durations are more appropriate .

  27. 在办公室里有能做乘法除法的计算尺,以及能加减乘除的台式计算机。

    In offices there are slide rules for multiplication and division , and desk machines which can add , subtract , multiply and divide .

  28. 即使您只拥有一台便携式计算机和一台台式计算机,保持这两台计算机之间的同步也可能是一项艰巨的任务。

    Even if you have only a laptop and a desktop computer , keeping just those two machines in sync can be a daunting task .

  29. 作为台式计算机的补充,很多人已经开始使用移动设备进行各种各样的贸易,从而提高工作效率。

    As the supplement to the desktop computers , the mobile devices are used by most people for all kinds of trade and improve working efficiency .

  30. 在21世纪的日常生活中,嵌入式系统扮演了重要的角色,其销售数量远远超过了传统的计算设备,如台式计算机、便携式计算机和服务器。

    Embedded systems are huge part of everyday life in the21st century , far outselling traditional computing devices such as desktops , laptops , and servers .