
yìnɡ pán qū dònɡ qì
  • hard drive;hard disk drive;fixed disk drive
  1. 如硬盘驱动器锁定,post需要密码为装置解锁。

    If a locked hard disk drive is present , post requires a password to unlock the device .

  2. mnt是“mount”的缩写,是装入硬盘驱动器分区和其他设备的标准位置。

    Mnt , short for " mount ," is the standard location to mount hard disk drive partitions and other devices .

  3. 这一功能让你可以浏览硬盘驱动器。

    This feature allows you to browse your hard drive .

  4. 单片机与IBM/PC机硬盘驱动器运配器的接口

    Interface Between Monolithic Computer and IBM / PC HD Driver Adaptor

  5. 这个本地文件系统相当于PC的硬盘驱动器。

    This local file system is analogous to a PC 's hard drive .

  6. 微软的虚拟机使用了一个称为虚拟硬盘驱动器VHD(VirtualHardDrive)的格式。

    Virtual machines using Microsoft technology use a format called VHD or Virtual Hard Drive .

  7. 我们增加了对USB硬盘驱动器实用工具。

    We have added utility for USB HDD .

  8. 一种更好的解决方案是购买外置硬盘驱动器,并在其中安装Linux。

    A much better solution is to purchase an external hard drive and install Linux on that .

  9. 外部硬盘驱动器可以工作,但无扩展坞或USB的关键。

    The external hard drive can work without the docking station or the USB key .

  10. 可选特性包括内置硬盘驱动器、硬加密模块,以及更多的闪存架(flashbay)。

    Optional features including internal hard drives , hardened cryptographic modules , and additional compact flash bays .

  11. 例如,一个使用过的、返回BestBuy进行销毁的硬盘驱动器最终在芝加哥跳蚤市场上作为一个完整的磁盘出售。

    For instance , a used hard drive that was returned to Best Buy for destruction ended up being sold intact at a Chicago flea market .

  12. 但是SSD不同于硬盘驱动器(HardDiskDrive,HDD),因为它们是可以消耗掉的。

    But SSDs are different from hard disk drives ( HDDs ) in that they are consumable .

  13. 在这个示例中,对象是IDE硬盘驱动器。

    In this example , the object is an IDE hard drive .

  14. 不过,外置硬盘驱动器以合理的成本为通用的Linux发行版提供最多的灵活性。

    External hard drives , however , offer the most flexibility for a general purpose Linux distribution at a reasonable cost .

  15. 在较早的Linux系统中,第一个IDE硬盘驱动器是/dev/hda。

    On an older Linux system , the first IDE hard drive is / dev / hda .

  16. DVD影片复制到电脑上点击鼠标硬盘驱动器。

    Copy video DVD to your computer hard drive with one mouse click .

  17. Windows为硬盘驱动器分区和其他存储设备分配驱动器字母,而Linux在root文件结构中为它们分配目录。

    Where Windows assigns drive letters to hard drive partitions and other storage devices , Linux assigns them directories in the root file structure .

  18. 固态硬盘驱动器(SolidStateDrives,SSD)能极大地改进许多应用程序类型的磁盘I/O操作性能。

    Solid State Drives ( SSDs ) can significantly improve performance of disk I / O operations for many types of applications .

  19. 大小;整个系统很小,可以放到一块很小的CompactFlashCard中,所以不再需要硬盘驱动器。

    Its size ; it 's small enough to fit on a compact flash card , so you won 't need a disk drive .

  20. 对于拥有多个CPU和硬盘驱动器的Domino服务器,其性能调优显然更加复杂。

    Performance tuning options on Domino servers with more than one CPU and multiple hard drives is obviously more involved .

  21. 外部硬盘驱动器配分为三个部分:底座,驱动器和一个USB密钥解释。

    The external hard drive comes into three parts : the docking station , the drive , and an interpreted USB key .

  22. 另一个例子是,某个主要的公共部门回收了80个硬盘驱动器进行销毁,但最终这些硬盘却在eBayWeb站点上出售。

    In another instance , a major utility recycled 80 hard drives for destruction that wound up for sale on the eBay Web site .

  23. 例如,第二个IDE硬盘驱动器可能会显示为/dev/hdb。

    For example , a second IDE hard drive might be shown as / dev / hdb .

  24. 假设您想在双引导系统中使用Linux,但计算机硬盘驱动器中没有任何可用空间。

    Say you want to use Linux in a dual-boot arrangement , but you don 't have any free space on your computer 's hard drive .

  25. 这种飞跃一定程度上是由于RAM能够比硬盘驱动器提供更快的数据访问。

    Part of that leap is due to the fact that RAM simply provides faster data access than hard disk drives .

  26. 在Xp系统和Vista系统中,Windows系统搜索服务对本地硬盘驱动器都是默认打开的。

    In Windows XP and Vista , the Windows Search indexing service is turned on for all local hard drives .

  27. 引动驱动器通常是系统上的第一个硬盘驱动器,但也可以是一个磁盘、CD或USB密匙。

    The boot drive is usually the first hard drive on the system , but may also be a diskette , CD , or USB key .

  28. 一般来说,内存层次结构如下的访问时间与快速的CPU寄存器顶部和缓慢的硬盘驱动器在底部。

    Generally , the memory hierarchy follows the access time with the fast CPUregisters at the top and the slow hard drive at the bottom .

  29. 硬盘驱动器巨磁电阻(GMR)磁头:从微米到纳米

    Giant magnetic resistance head for hard disk drives : from micro to nano

  30. 一些BIOS也允许不从主IDE驱动器启动,而从硬盘驱动器启动。

    Some BIOS also allows non-IDE drive from the main boot , and boot from the hard drive .