
yìnɡ bǐ shū fǎ
  • hard-pen calligraphy
  1. 因此,我让她从今天开始练习硬笔书法。

    So I asked her to begin to practice hard-pen calligraphy today .

  2. 接着她练习了一会儿英语硬笔书法。

    Then she practiced English hard-tipped calligraphy for a while .

  3. 另外本人硬笔书法以及美术,音乐方面很擅长。

    Also I turned calligraphy and paintings , music is very good at .

  4. 中国的硬笔书法教育的历史非常悠久,范围非常广阔。

    Chinese hard pen calligraphy education has a long history and a wide range .

  5. 我们回家后,她又练了几版硬笔书法。

    When we go back home , she does some handwriting exercises and then learns English .

  6. 在本论文的第一章就硬笔书法的历史沿革、发展脉络作了深入浅出的分析。

    In the first chapter , the historical evolution and the development arteries of the hard pen calligraphy are analyzed thoroughly in a simple language .

  7. 随着书写工具的更新,硬笔书法艺术蓬勃兴起。图为硬笔书法作品。

    The modernization of writing tools has given rise to many types of calligraphy other than the traditional brush-writings . A piece of pen-and-ink calligraphy .

  8. 硬笔书法教学对学生的观察能力、思考能力和分析综合能力的作用本论文也做了科学的表述。

    A scientific expression is made about the influence which the hard pen calligraphy teaching has on the students ' abilities of observation , thinking and comprehensive analysis .

  9. 书法课的教学内容应在毛笔楷书的基础上侧重硬笔书法。

    The content of calligraphy teaching should be based on the regular script training with writing brush and focus on the training with the hard tipped writing instruments .

  10. 在教学成果的突破研究上将一些硬笔书法教学经验,教学方法都进行了总结。以供上级教育行政部门或业内人士参考。

    Some teaching experience and methods on the breakthrough researches of the teaching achievements are summarized , in order to offer reference to higher education administrative departments and professionals .

  11. 如硬笔书法教育对加强中华民族的身份认同感具有重要作用,并且对强化民族归属意识以及对加强民族凝聚力方面也具有很强的作用。

    For example , the hard pen calligraphy teaching plays an important role in strengthening Chinese national sense of identity , the national sense of belonging and the national cohesion .