
xué pài
  • school;school of thought
学派 [xué pài]
  • [school of thought;school] 一个学科中由于学说、观点不同而形成的派别

学派[xué pài]
  1. 这一学派主张抑郁症最好用药物治疗。

    This school of thought argues that depression is best treated by drugs .

  2. 不能强制人们接受一种艺术风格或一种学派。

    People cannot be compelled to accept one particular style of art or school of thought .

  3. 欧姬芙受多位画家和摄影家的影响,但她从未加入过任何学派。

    O'Keeffe was influenced by various painters and photographers , but she was never a member of any school .

  4. 他们又分裂成两个学派。

    They were further divided into two schools .

  5. 他是这一学派思想的集大成者。

    He epitomized the thought of this school .

  6. 在braun-blaoquet学派中,层片群丛的描述不限于隐花植物群落。

    In the braun-blaoquet school the description of synusia associations was not confined to cryptogam communities .

  7. 阿当斯密被视为传统经济学派的创始人之一。

    Adam Smith is considered one of the founders of classical economics .

  8. 两个学派各执一说,互相论难。

    The two schools of thought wrangled , each sticking to its guns .

  9. 总体而言,斯多葛学派所主张的就是这一点:生活是一盘很大的棋局。

    And what the Stoics say in general is simply this : there is a larger plan in life .

  10. 重农学派和斯密都信奉自然秩序。

    Heavy agronomy clique and Si Mi order of believe in nature .

  11. 传统学派主要有一鸟在手理论,MM股利无关论、税差理论;

    Traditional school includes bird-in-hand theory , MM theory and tax difference theory ;

  12. 因此,对于建立在哈佛学派SCP模型基础上的传统反垄断法必须进行创新。

    So , must carry on innovation to the traditional antimonopoly law based oa school SCP model of Harvard .

  13. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  14. 马克斯·霍克海默(MaxHorkheimer)是法兰克福学派的创始人和社会批判理论的首倡者。

    Max Horkheimer , who was the founder of Frankfurt School , originated the social critical theory .

  15. 自哈佛学派的SCP理论体系形成以来,产业组织理论即进入了以正统理论为主干或参照系的多元化发展阶段。

    Since the establishment of Harvard School 's S-C-P paradigm , the theories of industrial organization have reached the diverse and developing stages under the " Harvard Traditional Theory " .

  16. 詹姆斯·W.凯瑞作为美国传播学文化学派的代表人物之一,他提出的传播仪式观是文化取向传播理论研究中的关键理论。

    As one of the prominent representatives of American communicational culture study , James W. Carey puts forward the ritual view of communication , which is the key theory in communication theory of cultural orientation .

  17. 总之,本文依据哈佛学派传统的SCP范式分析脉络,吸取模块化理论并以其为工具,对欧洲航天产业的市场结构、企业行为以及市场绩效进行分析。

    This paper makes a detailed analysis of industry market structure , enterprise behavior and market performance of the European aerospace with the modular theory according to the traditional paradigm SCP of the Harvard School .

  18. 鉴于哈佛学派创立的SCP(Structure-Conduct-Performance)范式在分析产业组织问题上所取得的成功,本文尝试将其应用于中国保险产业组织的分析,借以探究我国保险业产业组织的演化规律。

    Considering the great success of application of SCP created by Harvard school in analyzing industry organization issues , the auther tries to apply it to Chinese insurance organization .

  19. 大系统理论研究中的波兰Findeisen学派

    Polish findeisen School of the theoretical research in large-scale systems

  20. 关于我国的一个哲学学派

    On One of the school of the Thought in My Country

  21. 通过学派建设促进学科发展是新时代的必然要求。

    It is a necessity to develop disciplines through school construction .

  22. 以学派意识看汉语研究

    Evaluation of Chinese Research in Respect to the Awareness of Schools

  23. 日本不仅形成了多种人口学派,而且还重视对国外人口问题的研究,至少有50%以上的日本学者研究的是国际人口问题。

    At least 50 percent Japanese scholars study international population issues .

  24. 论决策有用学派的理论与现实困境

    On the Theoretical and Realistic Predicament of the Decisional Usefulness School

  25. μ学派的一般辞格理论

    A General Theory of the Figures of Language by Group μ

  26. 泰州学派有一个总的原则就是持良知现成说。

    Taizhou school is a general principle that a conscience ready .

  27. 世界历史、英国学派与国际关系理论

    World History , the English School and International Relations Theory

  28. 特拉维夫学派翻译理论研究概论

    An Initial Study of the Translation Theories of the Tel Aviv School

  29. 巴黎学派的行动者网络理论及其哲学意蕴评析

    Actor-Network Theory of Paris School and Analysis of Philosophical Significance

  30. 德意志历史学派传统与纳粹主义

    The Tradition of German " History School " and Nazism