
  1. 山水学林·人文书苑&兼谈南京工业职业技术学院仙林新校区规划设计

    Constructing Ecological College in the New Era & The Design of Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Industry and Technology College

  2. 在新的形势下,学林出版社继续发扬特色,抓好质量、品位、争取更大发展。

    Facing with the new situation , Academia Press is striving for a further development by keeping up its unique features and improving its quality of books .

  3. 我责怪了她(她是该受责怪的),因为都是她自找苦吃;最后我希望他也学林惇先生的样,不论好坏都该避免将来与他家接触。

    I blamed her , as she deserved , for bringing it all on herself ; and ended by hoping that he would follow Mr Linton 's example and avoid future interference with his family , for good or evil .