
  • 网络greek philosophy;Ancient Greek philosophy;graeco philosophy
  1. 古希腊哲学中就有人本主义的萌芽;

    There was the rudiment of humanism in ancient Greek philosophy ;

  2. 论古希腊哲学中的逻辑优先性思想

    The Logic Priority and Its Function in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  3. 古希腊哲学中理性观念的提出及其演绎

    The Advancing and Deduction of the Rational Concept of Ancient Greece

  4. 古希腊哲学嬗变的社会历史动因

    The Social and Historical Drive of Greek Philosophy 's Change

  5. 古希腊哲学中的灵魂问题初探

    Discussions on the Notion of Soul in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  6. 古希腊哲学解神话的过程及其结果

    The Process and Result of Demythicization in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  7. 儒家思想和古希腊哲学中教育理念的比较

    The Comparison between Confucianism and Ancient Greek Philosophical Educational Concept

  8. 古希腊哲学产生的社会背景和文化渊源

    Social Background and Cultural Origins of Ancient Greek Philosophy

  9. 试论古希腊哲学与自然科学的渊源关系

    Remarks on the Original Relation Between Philosophy and Natural Science in Ancient Greece

  10. 齐诺建立的古希腊哲学的一个学派的成员。

    A member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno .

  11. 苏格拉底关于神的观念是古希腊哲学中长期隐晦的问题。

    Socrates ′ idea of God is an uncertain question in Greek philosophy .

  12. 古希腊哲学由神话到宗教,逐步演变成哲学。

    Greek philosophy takes its form in religion , which evolves from myths .

  13. 古希腊哲学是人类的宝贵财富。

    Wealth Greek philosophy advocated the western philosophy .

  14. 古希腊哲学中始基的物质性阐释及其启示

    Materially-expounding and enlightening on " the First Principle " in the Ancient Greek Philosophy

  15. 古希腊哲学本体论探寻

    Discussion and Analysis of Ancient Greek Philosophical Ontology

  16. 我爱传记、咏史诗、古希腊哲学和美国经典之作。

    I love biographies , epic poems , greek philosophy , and America classics .

  17. 这是古希腊哲学的开端。

    This was the beginning of Greek philosophy .

  18. 斐洛是古希腊哲学和古希伯来文化融合进程中至关重要的人物。

    Philo was a key figure to bridging ancient Greek culture and ancient Hebrew culture .

  19. 康德、叔本华崇高论之比较古希腊哲学的崇高精神

    Comparison of sublime theories between kant and Schopenhauer The Lofty Spirits in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  20. 古希腊哲学的崇高精神

    The Lofty Spirits in Ancient Greek Philosophy

  21. 理性与启示的调和&论基督教对古希腊哲学的历史接纳

    Reconciliation of Reason and Apocalypse & Study on Historical Admission of Christianity to Greek Philosophy

  22. 柏拉图和苏格拉底把古希腊哲学从关注自然转向关注人本身。

    Plato and Socrates turned the attention of the Greek philosophy from nature to man himself .

  23. 马克思在博士论文期间,仔细研究了古希腊哲学。

    Marx studies ancient Greek Philosophy .

  24. 尼采审美主义源于对叔本华哲学和古希腊哲学的独特体悟。

    Nietzsche 's aestheticism originates from his special understanding of Schopenhauer 's philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy .

  25. 论古希腊哲学的天性与分析哲学的人性

    The discussion of the world nature of old Greek philosophy and the human nature of analytic philosophy

  26. 知识论与人生论的统一&古希腊哲学的意义模式

    The Integration of Theory of Knowledge and Theory of Life & The Significance Pattern of Ancient Greek Philosophy

  27. 古希腊哲学精神透视&从水是万物的始基谈起

    On the Ancient Greece Philosophy Spirit & Starting with the Water Being the Origin of All Things on Earth

  28. 主体间性不是一个崭新的理论,古希腊哲学和德国古典哲学虽没有明确提出主体间性的概念,但已蕴含此类思想。

    Though the philosophy of Greece and Germany had not the specific concept of intersubjectivity , had contained such thought .

  29. 古希腊哲学的本原性、开放性、真实性与哲学解释学在本质上有内在的共通性,这集中体现在对真理的追求上。

    The philosophy of ancient Greece has internally common ground with Hermeneutics in nature which focuses on seeking for truth .

  30. 实践的智慧学是康德对古希腊哲学意义的揭示。

    According to Immanuel Kant , the " practical wisdom doctrine " reveals the meaning of ancient Greek " philosophy " .