
ɡǔ yìn dù
  • ancient India
  1. 佛教起源在古印度,发展在中国。

    Buddhism originated in ancient India and developed in China .

  2. 中国少数民族地区佛教壁画与古印度佛教壁画的不同

    The Buddhist Frescos Differences between Ethnic Minorities of China & Ancient India

  3. 鲁多是由一种古印度竞赛游戏演变而来。

    Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game

  4. 古印度瑜伽文献《薄伽梵歌》(BhagavadGita)说,过你自己不完美的命运,好过模仿他人过完美的人生。

    The Bhagavad Gita - that ancient Indian Yogic text - says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else 's life with perfection .

  5. 有许多有趣的武器都产生于印度,但是其中最危险的是Haladie。它是古印度武士拉其普特人(Rajput)使用的武器。

    Many interesting weapons came out of ancient India , but among the most dangerous was the haladie , a weapon of India 's ancient warrior class , the Rajput .

  6. 壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。

    Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage .

  7. 原始的古印度却凹陷下去了。

    This india , the primal , has been depressed .

  8. 农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。

    Farmers occasionally plow up old Indian relics .

  9. 目的从一个侧面考察古印度数学的特征。

    Aim To reveal the character of the ancient Hindu mathematics from one aspect .

  10. “支那”一词在古印度语中是赞美中国的一种称谓。

    The word " china " in ancient India was used to eulogize China .

  11. 古印度的种姓制与百家争鸣的出现

    The Caste System of Ancient India and Letting a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend

  12. 原始声音冥想是一种起源于古印度的智慧方法。

    Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of India .

  13. 你现在就像古印度贱民一样。

    You got yourself the untouchable status .

  14. 佛教源于古印度,两汉时期传入中国。

    Buddhism originated in ancient India , and was introduced into China in Han Dynasty .

  15. 古印度发明的以零为代表的数字仍然被广泛用于当今世界的方方面面;

    The numerals beginning with zero invented by ancient India are still widely used throughout the world .

  16. 古印度哲学的信息、系统、复杂性思想的基本特质(下)

    The basic characteristics of thinking ancient Indian philosophy of information , system and complexity ( the lower )

  17. 以宽容和慈悲来感化众生的佛教,乃产生于古印度而得以传播四方。

    Probation with tolerance and compassion to all beings of Buddhism is produced in ancient India and spread everywhere .

  18. 东南亚地区作为华夏文明和印度文明的接触地带,沟通了中国和古印度两大文明古国。

    As a contact zone of Chinese civilization and Indian civilization , Southeast Asian has communicated China and ancient India .

  19. 古印度和古玛雅人因砍风水树修房和神庙,这两大古文明就很快崩溃了。

    The same thing happened to ancient Indians and Mayans who chopped down trees for their houses and holy temples .

  20. 莫卧儿王朝也赞同这种游戏,但莫卧儿时期的卡片集与古印度皇室有所不同。

    The Mughals also patronized this game , but the Mughal card-sets differ from those of the ancient Indian royal courts .

  21. 约两千多年前,古印度有一条小河,其中有个满是鱼儿的水塘。鱼儿们在清澈的水里快乐地生活着。

    Some two thousand years ago , in a river in ancient India , there was a pond full of fish .

  22. 这个节日的起源可以追溯到古印度时期,那时这可能是一个重要的丰收节日。

    The origin of Diwali can be traced back to ancient India , when it was probably an important harvest festival .

  23. 现在你就不用愁了,一款新的游戏面世了。古印度系统的设计和建筑方式现在尽在掌握中。

    A Wealth of Information about this Highly Acclaimed , Ancient Indian System of Designing and Construction is now at your Fingertips .

  24. 古代印度语很可能是从吠陀梵语而来,相互影响着后期形式的梵语和各种古印度语。

    The Prakrits are probably descended from Vedic , and there is mutual interchange between later forms of Sanskrit and various Prakrits .

  25. 他曾精研过古印度哲学的精华《奥义书》,并承认那是他哲学思想的三个来源之一。

    He ever studied carefully Indian " Upanishads ", and admitted that it is one of the three sources of his philosophy .

  26. 古印度一妻多夫的传统曾经在印度非常普遍,不过现在只有一少部分人还这样做。

    The ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry was once widely practised in India , but is now only observed by a minority .

  27. 摩奴法典是古印度一部集大成的经典,法典中具体阐释了种姓婚姻制度。

    Manavadharmasastra was an agglomeration of ancient Indian scriptures , which made a con-crete explanation of the marriage law in the caste system .

  28. 发源于古印度的瑜珈术,经历了几千年的延续之后,在今天渐渐成为一种颇受欢迎的健身方式。

    Yoga whose cradle is ancient Indian slowly becomes a popular body-building way of today , after going through several thousands of continual development .

  29. 地球上几乎没有什么建筑能与古印度亚格拉城的泰姬玛哈陵的传奇之美同日而语。

    Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal where lie in the ancient Indian city of Agra .

  30. 同古印度北部的建筑一样,王宫也是木结构的,因此遗迹目前已荡然无存。

    The king 's palace , like all early buildings of northern India , was built of wood , so no part of it survives .