
  • 网络Four ancient civilizations
  1. 中国是四大文明古国之一。

    China is one of the four ancient civilizations .

  2. 我国作为四大文明古国之一,有着悠久的历史文化。

    China as one of the four ancient civilizations has a long history and culture .

  3. 其一,四大文明古国在东方;

    Four countries with ancient civilizations lie down in the Orient .

  4. 中外科学技术发展史存在着差异:包括中国在内的四大文明古国孕育了古代科技文明;

    The science and technology development has much difference between China and foreign countries .

  5. 它历史悠久,是世界上四大文明古国之一。

    It is rich in history and one of the four oldest civilizations in the world .

  6. 中国,四大文明古国中唯一一个保持文化连续性的国家。

    China & the only one that keeps the culture continuous of the four old civilized countries .

  7. 中国是四大文明古国之一,中华民族是唯一传承千年的文明和民族。

    China is one of four bigancient nations , the Chinese nation is the only inheritance millenniumcivilization and the nationality .

  8. 中国是四大文明古国中现存最大的国度,自然、历史与文化景观美不胜收。

    China is the largest of the four countries with an ancient civilization with rich natural , historical and beautiful cultural landscapes .

  9. 而这个幸运的国度就是世界四大文明古国之一&印度。

    It 's recongised as the holy rivier in India , one of the Four Great Ancient Civilised Nations in the world .

  10. 中国作为世界四大文明古国之一,曾创造了光辉灿烂的古代科技和文化。

    China , as one of the world 's four countries of great ancient civilizations , is famous for its scientific discoveries in ancient times .

  11. 世界四大文明古国之一的埃及,就是在尼罗河的哺育下,发展了其光辉灿烂的古文化。

    One of the world 's four major ancient civilizations of Egypt , the Nile is nurtured , the development of its splendid ancient culture .

  12. 印度作为发展中国家的典型以及四大文明古国之一,与中国一样,曾有过辉煌的历史,也经历了屈辱的近代。

    India , is one of four ancient civilizations and a typical developing country , once had glorious history and humble modern times , the same as China .

  13. 中国历史悠久,有一句话最能说出中国历史的特点:中国在世界四大文明古国中,其文明唯一未曾间断、延续至今。

    China has a long history . Among the worlds four great ancient civilizations China is the only one that has continued to these days without any break .

  14. 我中华民族是四大文明古国唯一文化承传至今的民族,在世界树立了礼仪之邦的光辉形象。

    Our nation is the only nation of the four civilization ancient nations whose culture continues to present , and has built up the brilliance visualization of amenity nation .

  15. 作为传承了近五千年悠久文化历史的四大文明古国之一,我们的国家在悠悠历史长河中创造出了灿烂的物质和精神文明。

    As one of the four ancient civilizations which has a long history for five thousand years , our motherland has created a wonderful civilization both in material and spiritual aspects .

  16. 四大文明古国一般用来指代古巴比伦、古埃及、古代中国、古印度等四个人类文明最早诞生的地区。

    Generally used to refer to the four major ancient civilization of ancient Babylon , ancient Egypt , ancient China , ancient India , the earliest human civilization , the birth of the four areas .

  17. 作为四大文明古国之一的中国,要想在21世纪屹立于世界民族之林,很大程度上取决于人才的培养情况。

    As one of the four major ancient civilization of China in order to survive in the 21st century , the nations of the world , to a large extent depends on the situation of the training .

  18. 东方对世界文化的贡献必须重新认识,它是世界文化之源;其一,四大文明古国在东方;

    The contribution made in the Orient to the world culture must be recognized again , which should be regarded as a distant source of the global culture : 1.Four countries with ancient civilizations lie down in the Orient .

  19. 人类历史上的四大文明古国,只有中国文化作为文化主体保留至今。以传统文化为立国之基的中国在世界上存在了长达五千年。

    Among the four great ancient civilizations , only Chinese culture , as the main culture , has remained until now . China , who regards the traditional culture as the basis of the nation , has lasted for five thousand years .

  20. 中国与印度都是世界文明的发源地,作为四大文明古国的成员,两国都创造了辉煌的历史,为世界文明的进步、经济的发展做出各自的贡献。

    As the cradle of the world civilization , China and India , two of the four ancient nations , have written a gorgeous page on the history book , making considerable contributions to the economic development and the advancement of the world civilization .

  21. 中华民族历史悠久,我们的祖先创造了五千年的东方古代文明,中国作为四大文明古国之一,祖先留给我们的文化遗产是不可多得精神文化财富。

    The Chinese natural has a long history , Our ancestor has created the oriental ancient civilization for 5000 years , China is one of 4-big countries with an ancient civilization , Our cultural heritage which left by our ancestor being wealth should not get spirit culture much .