
  1. 四川话形容词的结构类型及其语法意义

    The Structure and Grammar of Adjective in Sichuan Dialect

  2. 四川话形容词是四川方言中最能体现四川方言特点的语言成分。

    Adjective is the best part to reveal the language features of Sichuan dialect .

  3. 我会讲上海话、四川话、广东话和国语。

    I speak the Shanghai dialect , Szechuan dialect , Cantonese and , of course , Mandarin .

  4. 根据《中国语言地图集》的分区,四川话属北方方言西南官话区。

    According to China 's Linguistics Atlas , the Sichuan dialect belongs to the southwest mandarin of the northern dialects .

  5. 他们对自身普通话的期望程度不高,却一致要求孩子必须学会普通话,同时也有85%的人希望孩子能保持四川话。

    Their expectance to themselves is not high , while is high to their children . They require their children must learn speaking Mandarin .

  6. 古蜀人的语言与现在的四川话是完全不同的,与古代中原地区的华夏族的语言也是不同的。

    The ancient Shu dialect is not only different from the present-day Sichuan dialect but also different from the ancient language of the Huaxia group in the Central Plains .

  7. 当梅燕用四川话喊出“喝奶啦!”的时候,所有熊猫宝宝都朝她跑去,然后安静地坐在草地上,等梅燕挨个喂奶。

    When Mei Yan shouted " Time for milk " in Sichuan dialect , all of the panda cubs ran to her and sat on the grass quietly waiting for their turn .

  8. 四川岳池顾县话的语法

    On Guxian dialect grammar in Yuechi county , sichuan

  9. 从普通话诊断看四川方言区的韵母难点&论普通话韵母e[γ]、uo[uo]在四川话中的对应

    On the Difficulties of Final of a Syllables in Sichuan Dialect from Mandarin Diagnose & the corresponding of e [ γ ] ? uo [ uo ] in Sichuan Dialect