
sì dié tǐ
  • corpora quadrigemina
  1. 根据CT上鞍上池、环池、四叠体池等的变化,将脑肿胀程度分为轻、中、重三种情况。

    The brain swelling degrees in CT findings of the patients were divided into three types , slight , moderate and heavy ones , which was based on the morphological changes of the suprasellar cistern , ambient cistern and quadrigeminal cistern .

  2. 四叠体池改变对自发性小脑血肿预后估计

    Quadrigeminal Cistern Obliteration on CT Scans as a Prognostication of Spontaneous cerebellar Hematoma

  3. 此膜主要分隔前上方的四叠体池与后下方的小脑上池,通常较为完整和致密,少有网孔存在。

    This membrane is usually intact an complete with few perforations , separating the quadrigeminal cistern from the superior cerebellar cistern .