
  • 网络Nerve fiber bundle;fascicle;arcuate fasciculus;NFB
  1. 改变新型螺旋电极的触点位置可以实现选择性激活视神经纤维束。

    The new helix electrode can selectively activate optic nerve fascicle with variations of electrode contact locations .

  2. 距离电极近的神经纤维束电流密度值大,激活函数幅度变化最明显。

    The closer to the electrode , the larger the current density value of nerve fascicle is and the more obvious the AF amplitude variation is . 3 .

  3. 神经节之间,由AChE阳性神经纤维束相连接。

    Between myenteric nervous ganglions , there were AChE - positive nerve fiber bundles .

  4. 计数由器官型培养的DRG组织块中生长出的神经纤维束和迁移出的神经元的数目。

    The number of nerve fiber bundles extending and the neurons migrating from the DRG explants was counted .

  5. 目的利用DTI分析脑内海绵状血管瘤与神经纤维束关系。

    Objective To exhibit the relationship between multiple cerebral cavernous hemangioma and neural fibers with DTI fiber tracking technique .

  6. 目的探讨应用DTI技术对视神经纤维束和视路成像的可能性和应用价值。

    Objective To discuss the feasibility and value of diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) to reveal optic nerve and visual pathway .

  7. 采用photoshop7.0选区面积计算软件测量和计算神经纤维束组面积;应用photoshop网格功能测量和计算神经纤维密度。

    Use photoshop 7.0 version precinct software for measuring and calculating the area of the nerve fiber bundles and the photoshop grid function was used to measure the density of the nerve fibers .

  8. 喉部神经纤维束的粗细,在变性期后可能不受性激素的影响。

    Sex hormon have no effect on laryngeal nerve-tract and nerve fiber .

  9. 至今,此技术的发展已获得重要的进展,得以解析出神经纤维束之复杂几何构造。

    To date , significant progress in technical development has been made to resolve complicated geometry of fiber tracts .

  10. 穿行于小叶间结缔组织内的胰腺导管、动脉和静脉血管、淋巴管以及神经纤维束,易被辨认和区别。

    The pancreatic ducts , arteries and veins , lymphatic vessels and nerve fiber bundle were easily recognized and demarcated .

  11. 一种大型线状神经纤维束,位于延髓任一侧,并将它与小脑相接。

    A large cordlike bundle of nerve fibers lying on either side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum .

  12. 进一步的,对实际的人体大脑数据进行了数值实验,我们发现新算法重建的纤维结构准确表达了真实的神经纤维束的形态。

    Using the human brain data , we illustrate that the fibre reconstruction produced by the new method ex-presses the true configuration of nervous fibre bundles .

  13. D型:胰岛同时与神经节细胞和神经纤维束相邻。

    Type D : A mass of islet cells associated themselves with nerve cells on one side of the complex and with nerve fibers on another .

  14. 在左右心房表面,心房神经节丛靠神经纤维束彼此相连;

    The atrial ganglionated plexuses formed by ganglia and nerve fiber bundles were connected with each other by nerve fiber bundles on the right and left atrial surface ;

  15. 结论:丽春红2R-亮绿法是显示中枢神经纤维束的一种简便、迅速、可靠染色法。

    Conclusions : Ponceau 2R-brilliant green double staining technique is a quick , simple and reliable myelin stain method in demonstrating the fasciculi in the central nervous system .

  16. 弥散张量成像可测量组织中的水扩散,而有助于测量和量化组织的方向和结构,可作为检测脑白质完整性和神经纤维束连通性的理想工具。

    Diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) could measure the diffusion of water in tissues . DTI can help measure and quantify tissue 's orientation and structure , making it an ideal tool for examining the integrity of cerebral white matter and the connectivity of neural fiber tracts .

  17. 颈交感神经节后纤维束切断治疗痉挛性瘫痪

    Treatment for spastic palsy with superior cervical sympathectomy

  18. 三叉神经根表层纤维束切断术治疗三叉神经痛的可行性研究

    Clinical anatomy of the surface tractotomy of trigeminal nerve sensory root : a new tractotomy for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

  19. 中枢性瘫痪,又称上运动神经元性瘫痪,或称痉挛性瘫痪、硬瘫。是由于大脑皮层运动区锥体细胞及其发出的神经纤维&锥体束受损而产生。

    Central paralysis , also known as upper motor neuron paralysis , or spastic paralysis , rigid paralysis , is due to the damage of the pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex motor area and the nerve fibers from the pyramidal tract .

  20. 2例炎症由于未侵犯视神经,视神经纤维束显示未见异常。

    Optic nerves in 2 inflammation patients were demonstrated as normal because inflammation did not encroach on optic nerves .

  21. 获得了部分脑干背侧重要神经核团及神经纤维束的资料。

    Some data of the important dorsal nuclei and nerve fibers of the brain stem were obtained .

  22. 大体检查在肿瘤一端可见切断的神经残端及其分散混入肿瘤浅面的神经纤维束。

    On gross inspection , the stump of the resected vagus nerve could be identified , with nerve bundles splaying over the tumor surface .

  23. 目的:探讨三叉神经感觉根(TNSR)的解剖学结构,及其表层神经纤维束切断术治疗三叉神经痛(TN)的可行性。

    Objective : To explore the detailed clinical anatomy of trigeminal nerve sensory root ( TNSR ) in order to establish a new tractotomy for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia ( TN ) .

  24. 结论:丽春红2R-亮绿染色法可以清楚地显示成年大鼠皮质脊髓束在脑干和脊髓内的位置,为中枢神经损伤与修复研究提供一种简便、快速、可靠的神经纤维束定位染色方法。

    Conclusions : Ponceau 2R - brilliant green double staining technique can clearly display the CST in the brain stem and spinal cord and offer a quick , simple and reliable means for demonstrating the localization of fasciculus in the research of central nervous system injury and repair .

  25. 结果:构成水平壶腹神经、后壶腹神经、上壶腹神经、球囊神经、椭圆囊神经的纤维束数分别是37、43、48、30和59;

    Results : The numbers of bundles of horizontal nerve , posterior nerve , superior nerve , utricular nerve , and saccular nerve were 37 , 43 , 48 , 30 , and 59 , respectively .

  26. 通过分析不同纤维束的刺激结果,可以在一定程度上表明电极&神经间的距离关系对刺激的影响。仿真结果表明位于神经中心的纤维束激活函数值相对较小,最不容易兴奋。

    The distance between nerve and electrode has influence on stimulation by analyzing the stimulation on fiber fascicles at different sites . The activating function along fascicle at the nerve center is relatively small and is difficult to excite . 3 .