
  • 网络Reflexes;Nervous reflex
  1. 半侧面肌痉挛的异常肌反应:F波还是三叉神经反射?

    Abnormal muscle responses in hemifacial spasm : F waves or trigeminal reflexes ?

  2. 躯体-交感神经反射:一种可用于研究针刺原理的实验模型

    Somato-sympathetic Reflexes : a Useful Experimental Model for Study on Acupuncture Mechanism

  3. 结果:与III组比较,I组、II组的闭孔神经反射发生率明显降低(P0.01),I组和II组之间闭孔神经反射发生率无明显差异(P0.05)。

    Results The former two groups significantly reduced the rate of obturator nerve reflex ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 膀胱上皮细胞释放的ATP可通过神经反射引起DI的发生,可能是ATP参与DI发生的另一机制。

    ATP released by the bladder urothelial cells can induce DI through nervous reflex . Probably , it is another mechanism of DI .

  5. 目的:为了检验一个新的学说:是胰岛素而不是胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)激活肝脏副交感神经反射。

    Objective : To test a new hypothesis that insulin , but not IGF-1 , triggers the hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex .

  6. 福欣康林改善自发性疼痛、肢体麻木、神经反射和神经传导速度的好转率均明显高于维生素B12,且未引起明显的不良反应。

    Cobamamide improved the spontaneous pain , numbness of limbs , nerve reflection and nerve conduction velocities in higher rates as compared with vitamin B12 treatment , and did not cause obvious adverse reactions .

  7. 移出温箱2h后,每组随机取5只,单笼饲养,待其自然分娩,观察仔鼠体格发育、生理发育、神经反射、活动能力等神经行为指标。

    Hours after they were taken out , 5 mice randomly selected from each group were bred alone . After birth , indice of nervous behaviors such as physical development , physiological growth , nervous reflex and mobility were observed in infant mice .

  8. 本法可避免闭孔神经反射和电切过深。

    This method can avoid reflection of obturator nerve and over-resection .

  9. 无闭孔神经反射,无手术并发症。

    No obturator nerve reflex and other complications were seen .

  10. 目的探讨预防膀胱肿瘤电切术中发生闭孔神经反射的方法。

    Results Obturator nerve reflex did not happen in all the48 patients .

  11. 电刺激穴位诱发内脏神经反射电活动的分析

    An analysis of the visceral reflex activity induced by Electroacupuncture of point

  12. 胰岛素与胰岛素样生长因子在肝脏副交感神经反射中的作用

    The affection of insulin and igf - ⅰ in hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex

  13. 颈部疼痛及颈性眩晕与交感神经反射弧的联系

    Correlation of cervical pain and cervical vertigo with reflex arc of sympathetic nerve

  14. 膀胱肿瘤电切术中闭孔神经反射的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of Obturator Nerve Reflex for Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor

  15. 神经反射刺激对脑出血急性期的康复

    Effect of Nerve Reflex Stimulation on Recovery of Cerebral Hemorrhage at Acute Stage

  16. 心交感神经反射在阻断冠脉血流后血液流变学变化中的作用

    Role of cardiac-cardiac sympathetic reflex in the hemorheologic changes caused by acute coronary occlusion

  17. 通过对老年人胆心综合征26例分析,进一步证实其发病机理是由神经反射或中毒引起的心脏功能紊乱。

    26 cases of biliary-cardiac syndrome of senile patients are reported in this article .

  18. 迷走-胃泌素机制在胃液分泌神经反射期中的重要性

    The importance of vago - gastrin mechanism in the cephalic phase of gastric secretion

  19. 所有的膀胱神经反射及兴奋传出均来自于膀胱的感觉传入。

    As with all neurologic reflex mechanisms , efferent activity is brought about by afferent input .

  20. 生理上,爱情是一种像饥饿和干渴一样的强大神经反射,只是更持久。

    Biologically , love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst , only more permanent .

  21. 母鼠孕哺期铅暴露对仔鼠学习记忆能力及神经反射的影响

    Effects of Lead Exposure during Pregnancy and Lactation on Learning Memory and Nervous Reflex of Offspring Mouse

  22. 目的探讨腰段硬膜外布比卡因止痛后脊神经反射与肌肉运动阻滞的相关差异。

    Objective To investigate a difference of spinal reflex and muscular motor block during low epidural analgesia .

  23. 术中无严重出血、膀胱穿孔及闭孔神经反射。

    Side effects such as uncontrollable bleeding , perforation of bladder and obturator nerve reflex were not found .

  24. 近年来,有学者提出神经反射机制,并认为它可能在外伤性脑水肿的发生中起先导作用。

    Among these , neurogenic mechanism is put forward recently and is assumed to play a leading role .

  25. 不明原因的晕厥中绝大部分与神经反射有关,统称其为神经介导性晕厥。

    Most cases of unexplained syncope are reflex related , in other words it is called neural-mediated syncope .

  26. 目的探讨母体铅暴露对仔鼠学习记忆能力和神经反射功能的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of lead exposure on learning memory and nervous reflex of offspring mouse .

  27. 结果术中无明显出血,无明显的闭孔神经反射,无膀胱穿孔发生。

    Results No intraoperative bleeding , no obvious obturator nerve reflex nor bladder perforation were found in all patients .

  28. 目的了解膀胱肿瘤浸润深度以及避免闭孔神经反射和电切过深。

    Objective To comprehend depth of infiltration of bladder tumer and to prevent reflection of obturator nerve and over-resection .

  29. 阻滞区脊神经反射对判断和预防下肢肌肉运动障碍的意义

    Significance of spinal nerve reflex in blocked region for adjustment and prevention of motor disorder of lower limb muscles

  30. 17例侧壁肿瘤切除时,5例发生闭孔神经反射,其中1例发生膀胱穿孔。

    The adductor reflex was found in 5 of the 17 cases with tumor located at the lateral wall .