
  • 网络Residual urine volume;postvoid residual urine;RUV;postvoid residual volume;PVRV
  1. 结论临床症状、残余尿量、膀胱镜检查是诊断BNO的可靠依据。

    Clinical symptoms , residual urine and cystoscopy are reliable diagnostic methods .

  2. 结论BPH患者检测残余尿量的临床价值优于前列腺体积,可作为选择治疗方法的临床重要指标。

    Conclusion The detection of residual urine volume is superior to prostatic volume in BPH patients , which can be an important index for selecting therapy methods .

  3. 患者的IPSS与血清PSA水平具有一定的正相关性。患者的PSA与残余尿量和最大尿流率均无明显相关性。

    IPSS is possiblely correlated with PSA , while there is no obvious correlation between serum PSA and residual urine or maximum urine rate of flow .

  4. 对治疗前后临床症状、IPSS、QOL、最大尿流率、残余尿量、前列腺体积等指标进行对照分析。

    The symptoms and sighs the remark of IPSS and QOL 、 residual urine volume and prostate volume were detected before treatment and after being treated for one month .

  5. 所有患者均无逼尿肌过度活动、膀胱收缩乏力、残余尿量≥100ml、神经源性膀胱、急性尿路或阴道感染的情况。

    All patients showed no detrusor overactivity , bladder atony , residual urine volume ≥ 100ml , neurogenic bladder , acute urinary tract infection and acute vaginal infections .

  6. 结果大鼠iv肉苁蓉1.0,3.0g/kg,明显增加排出尿量,减少残余尿量,效应与剂量呈正相关;

    The results showed that Herba Cistanchis ( 1.0 g / kg and 3.0 g / kg , iv ) markedly increased the discharged urinary volume and decreased the residual urine volume in a dose_effect relationship .

  7. 63例残余尿量大于50ml者中,47例(74-6%)术后恢复正常。

    63 cases Among with residual urine more than 50 ml , 47 cases ( 74 6 % ) recovered normal urination and all other patients had improvement .

  8. 不同控制液体摄入的意向、HD年数、残余尿量、年龄、经济状况、尿毒症病程、抑郁水平、知识水平及有否服用泻药的HD患者,其依从性比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    There were statistically significant differences in fluid compliance among patients with different fluid control intent , years of HD , residual urine , age , financial status , course of uremia , depression level , knowledge level , and use of cathartic or not ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 全部患者储尿囊容量350~480ml,充盈压13~25cmH2O,残余尿量10~60ml。

    In all patients , capacity of the urinary vesicle ranged from 350 to 480 ml , filling pressure was 13 to 25 cm H2O , and the residual urinary volume was 16 to 60 ml.

  10. 23例患儿有尿意,尿流呈线状,两次排尿间隔时间在40min左右,膀胱最大容量、残余尿量较术前减少,膀胱压力增大,视为改善。

    Twenty three patients had voiding desire before micturition , with linear urine current , more than 40 minutes ' interval between micturitions , and reduced maximal bladder capacity and residual urine volume , but increased bladder pressure , which was regarded as improved .

  11. 患者残余尿量随膀胱颈增厚程度加重而增多。

    The residual urine volume increased with the bladder neck thickening .

  12. 依据残余尿量多少进行间歇导尿。发生尿潴留行导尿者18例。

    Urine catheterization due to urinal retention was performed in 18 cases .

  13. 测定治疗前后尿流率和残余尿量的变化。

    The uro-flow rate and residual urine volume were measured .

  14. 经B超监测健康成人膀胱残余尿量的比较

    Use B-ultrasound Comparison of the Bladder Post-void Residual Volume between Healthy Adults

  15. 结论本方法能够增加膀胱容量,减少残余尿量。

    Conclusion This method can increase the bladder capacity and decrease residual urine volume .

  16. 氨氯地平联合特拉唑嗪降低残余尿量和尿潴留风险的疗效分析

    Amlodipine Combined with Terazosin Reduces Postvoid Residual and the Risk of Acute Urinary Retention

  17. 年龄、前列腺体积以及残余尿量是最大尿流率的主要影响因素;

    Main influencing factors of Qmax are age , prostate volume , post void residual .

  18. 结论减少脊髓损伤患者的残余尿量,并合理应用抗生素是防止尿路感染的有效方法。

    Conclusion Decreasing RUV and applying antibiotics rationally are the effective methods for SCI patients to prevent UTI .

  19. 在改善残余尿量方面,治疗后两组差异有统计学意义。

    The difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) in improving residual urine volume in the two group .

  20. 分别于治疗前后观察每日排尿次数、每次尿量、B超膀胱残余尿量。

    After treatment for 30 days , the results of micturition frequency , amount of urine and residual urine are observed .

  21. 结论灯盏细辛可明显改善运动神经传导速度、感觉神经传导速度、膀胱残余尿量等指标。

    Conclusion Erigeron breviscapus can improve some parameters such as bladder urine residue and conducting speed of peripheral motor or sensory nerve .

  22. 患者2(隐性骶裂)术后排尿次数、排尿量和残余尿量分别改善0.7%、11%和46%;

    Urinary frequency , voided volume and residual volume were improved 0.7 % , 11 % and 46 % respectively in another one .

  23. 本文对110例前列腺增生症患者进行了尿流率检查,对尿流率各种参数,特别是5种参数与症状、年龄、排尿量及残余尿量的关系,作了分析和讨论。

    The correlations between parameters of flow rate and symptoms , age , voided volume and residual urine were analysed in 110 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia .

  24. 训练前后记录安全容量、基础膀胱内压、最高膀胱内压、自排尿量、残余尿量、排尿时程等数据。

    The safe capacity , basal IP , maximum IP , urinary output , residual urine volume and time course of urination were recorded before and after training .

  25. 观察两组尿意恢复时间、拔除导尿管时间、下尿路感染率、残余尿量、排尿障碍程度及男性功能分级。

    The recovery time of micturition desire , catherization time , lower urinary tract infection rate , residual urine , severity of urinary disorders and sexual disorders were observed .

  26. 记录昼夜排尿时间、尿量,以膀胱B超机测量膀胱残余尿量,以FM6型全自动冰点渗透压仪测量血浆、尿液渗透压。

    The residual urine volume was detected using a bladder volume instrument ( BladderScan BVI 2500 ) . Plasma and urine osmolarity were measured using the FM 6 pattern freezing point osmometer .

  27. 观察组30例进行规范化膀胱体操(健康宣教,引流管管理,腹部B超测残余尿量同时做尿细菌培养监测,指导饮水及排尿);

    30 patients in the observation group did standardized bladder exercises ( health education , catheter nursing , transabdominal B-ultrasonography of residual urine and urine culture , direction of drinking water and urination );

  28. 增生组表现为尿道受压,截面积变小和尿道移位、扭曲等,同时伴有排尿功能的改变和膀胱残余尿量的增加。

    In hypertrophic group , the changes of the prostatic urethra included constriction or dislocation of urethra , decrease of urethral area , prolongation of voiding time and the increase of cystic residual urine volume .

  29. 均以一月为疗程,一个疗程后观察两组总体临床疗效、排尿症状评分、最大尿流率、残余尿量等尿动力学指标及前列腺体积的变化。

    Are in January for treatment after a course of treatment the overall clinical efficacy were observed , voiding symptom score , maximum flow rate , residual urine volume , prostate volume target , such as urodynamic changes .

  30. 结果:发现女性排尿功能障碍患者自由尿流率测定时的最大尿流率、平均尿流率、残余尿量和排尿时间与压力流率测定时相应的指标有统计学差异(P<0.05);

    Results : Maximun flow rate , average flow rate , residual urine volume , and voiding time of free uroflowmetry were significantly higher than those of pressure uroflowmetry ( P < 0.05 ) in females with voiding dysfunction .