
cán liú wù
  • residue;remains;residuum
  1. 总是用同一种洗发水就意味着某种残留物会在头发上越积越多。

    Always using the same shampoo means that a residue can build up on the hair .

  2. 残留物会积聚在头发上,使头发看起来软塌塌的,而且毫无光泽。

    A residue can build up on the hair shaft , leaving the hair limp and dull looking .

  3. 今天,研究人员在有着5000年历史的啤酒酿造设备的残留物中发现了一种惊人的成分。

    Now , researchers have found a surprising ingredient in residue from 5,000-year-old beer brewing equipment .

  4. 为了证实这一理论,团队成员检验了容器内黄色、干燥的残留物。

    To test that theory , the team examined the yellowish , dried remains inside the vessels .

  5. 片子上所有的有机和金属残留物均必须清除

    All organic and metallic residues on the wafers must be removed .

  6. 位于华盛顿州的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和本顿清洁空气机构的官员称,已采集了“牛奶雨”的样本。这种雨水给两个州很多地区的汽车上蒙上一层粉末状残留物。

    Officials at both the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Benton Clean Air Agency , both in Washington state , said they had collected samples of the rain , which left a powdery residue on cars across a wide swath of two states .

  7. 臭氧法对酸性嫩黄G溶液的脱色效率和残留物的分析

    Analysis of decolorization efficiency by ozonation and residues in solution of acid light yellow G

  8. Fe主要以铁锰氧化物和残留物存在(>90%);

    Fe remained mainly in Fe-Mn oxides and the residual ( > 90 % );

  9. 载银纳米二氧化钛残留物去除及其对MS2噬菌体灭活效果的研究

    Study on removal of silver-loaded nano-titania residue and its efficacy in inactivation of bacteriophage ms_2

  10. K、Na、Ca的碳酸盐细粉对烟幕残留物的自净化效果

    Efficiency of self-purification of carbonates powder with K , Na and Ca on the remain from smoke screen

  11. Nd∶YAG激光清除人工晶状体前纤维膜及残留物

    Nd ∶ YAG Laser Removal of Fibrous Membrane and Remnants after Cataract Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation

  12. SPME/GC-MS法检测燃烧残留物中的汽油

    Analysis of Gasoline in Fire with SPME / GC-MS / MS

  13. 固相微萃取GC-MS快速分析火场残留物中汽油成分

    Fast Analysis of Gasoline Ingredients in Fire Debris by GC - MS with Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction

  14. 文中介绍了用钝化燃烧法销毁废K·D复盐起爆药时存在的爆燃现象和危险残留物等安全隐患,并提出了可靠的解决办法。

    When destroying the waste K · D complex salt initial explosive by dull-combustion method , and put forwards dull-combustion method , which is credible ways .

  15. 二维气相色谱检测爆炸残留物中TNT

    Detection of TNT in explosive residues by two-dimensional gas chromatography

  16. 由于DES和DI的致癌活性,不允许食品中有其残留物。

    Because of the carcinogenic potential of DES and DI , their residues are not allowed in food .

  17. 随着蒸馏温度的升高和蒸馏时间的延长,Sn的脱除率和残留物中的Fe含量都显著提高。

    With the extension of distillation time and the rise of temperature , the removal rate of Sn and Fe content in residues both increased .

  18. 烟草漂浮育苗旧苗盘残留物TMV带毒检测

    Detection of TMV in Residue of Tobacco Roots on Tray Using in Float Seedling System

  19. 宫内残留物的不典型超声表现目的探讨经腹彩色多普勒超声血流显像(CDFI)诊断宫内残留物的临床价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of trans-abdominal color Doppler flow imaging ( TA-CDFI ) for intrauterine remnant detection .

  20. 结论药物流产后,CDFI对近子宫内膜处血流的探测结果,是诊断宫内残留物的关键依据,它为临床提供了重要信息。

    Conclusion Detecting blood flow at the endometrium by CDFI after medical abortion plays the key role in diagnosis of intrauterine residue .

  21. 采用气相色谱-电子捕获(GC-ECD)方法检测血清中有机氯农药残留物水平。

    GC-ECD was used to measure the serum level of Organochlorines pesticide residues .

  22. 在污染地表下碳水化合物和其它化学残留物的降解是一个棘手的问题。金刚石膜电化学对LCD上残留有机物清洗的研究

    The degradation of hydrocarbons and other chemical residues in contaminated subsurface environments presents special challenges . Study on the Electrochemical Cleaning Method for Cleaning Residual Organic Contaminants of LCD

  23. 在早稻生长过程中黑麦草残留物有74.9%被分解,C、N、Mn和Mg的矿化率均在80%以下,表现出一定的缓释效应。

    During the growth of early rice , about 74.9 % of residue dry matter was decomposed , and the mineralisation of C , N , P , Mn and Mg was less than 80 % .

  24. 目的彩色多普勒超声血流显像(CDFI)对宫内残留物的检测方法与临床价值研究。

    Objective To evaluate color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) and its clinical value on detection of the intrauterine residue after medical abortion .

  25. 初产妇325例,53例子宫内有残留物,发生率为13.14%,两者比较,产后宫腔内有残留物的经产妇显著多于初产妇(P<0.01)。

    Intrauterine residue were found in 49 out of 129 multiparas ( with incidence rate of 32.56 % ), and 53 out of 325 primiparas ( 13.14 % ), the former being significantly higher than the later ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 中药用D-101型大孔树脂苯系列残留物分析研究

    Analysis of benzene-series residues in D-101 macroreticular resin used for TCM

  27. 目的研究以GC法检测AB-8大孔吸附树脂残留物的可行性,并考察CA膜截留残留物的效果。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate into the feasibility of the detection of residue of AB 8 macroscopic absorption resin and the entrapment residue of acetylcellulose membrane with gas chromatography .

  28. 固相萃取法(SPE)因高效、可靠、易实现自动化等优点,适用于农药残留物分析。

    Due to its efficiency , reliability and conveniency to achieve automation , solid-phase extraction is a suitable means for the analysis of pesticides residue .

  29. 结果表明,2000年珠江口生物体主要残留物为As、Cd、Pb,其污染负荷比分别为36.8%、25.6%和19.8%;

    The analysis results show that the main residues in the animal muscles are As , Cd and Pb with the pollution duty ratios of 36.8 % , 25.6 % and 19.8 % , respectively .

  30. 经治疗后治疗组在改善患者的临床症状和体征、促进-宫内残留物排出及子宫复旧、提高血雌二醇水平、降低血NO及β-HCG方面均优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Improving the symptom , the uterine three diameters , situation of uterus , E2 ,β - HCG and NO is more effective in the treatment group than that of the control group ( P0.05 ) .