
shén jīnɡ jī sù
  • neurohormone
  1. 结论:①CHF患者神经激素和细胞因子水平明显升高,且与心功能分级及病情严重程度呈正相关;

    Conclusion : Neurohormone , cytokines levels in patients with CHF were high significantly , and it were correlated with the severity of CHF .

  2. 上调基因多为促炎症、应激反应相关基因;而下调基因则多为突触可塑性、囊泡运输、线粒体功能、蛋白质和DNA修复、神经激素等相关基因。

    Most of the up-regulated genes are related to inflammations and stress responses , but large part of the down-regulated genes play roles in synapse plasticity , vesicular transportation , mitochondria function , protein and DNA repair , and neurohormone secreting .

  3. 着重介绍疲劳的突变理论(catastrophetheory)即神经激素免疫调控系统。

    The catastrophe theory of fatigue which was called immunity-control system of nerve hormone was focused on .

  4. 下丘脑神经激素的合成和分泌与G蛋白偶联的信号传导系统有关。

    Synthesis and secretion of neuronal hormones of hypothalamus are associated with G protein linked signalling system .

  5. 近年来研究发现:在CHF进程中,除了神经激素异常激活外,以细胞因子升高为标志的免疫激活也发挥着重要作用。

    Recent studies suggested that in addition to the abnormal activation of neurohormone , the activation of immunity which is indicated by cytokines increase also plays an important role in CHF .

  6. 另外,建议就BCAA补充的最佳剂量及其对中枢神经递质和下丘脑神经激素的影响机制做进一步的研究。

    Further studies on the optimal dose of supplement of BCAA and its effect on central nervous transmitter and subthalamus nerve hormone were suggested .

  7. 目的探讨急性心肌梗死后不同剂量的血管紧张素Ⅱ1型(AT1)受体拮抗剂早期干预对心功能和神经激素的影响。

    Objective To investigate the long-term effects of angiotensin ⅱ receptor blocker therapy with different dosages on the cardiac function and neurohormones at the early stage of acute myocardial infarction .

  8. 另外,运动时CNS产生的神经递质、调质、神经激素:如5-羟色胺、多巴胺、氨类等物质,也是运动性中枢疲劳产生的敏感物质。

    Whether neurotransmitter that CNS produces at the sport in addition , transfer quality , neural hormone . Such as 5-hydroxyl color amine , dopamine , ammonia material , is the tired sensitive material that produced of movable centre .

  9. 机械通气中呼吸拮抗时药物治疗对血流动力学及呼吸功能的影响目的观察培普利(perindopril,Pe)治疗心力衰竭患者的急性血流动力学效应和对神经激素影响并评估其首剂低血压反应。

    Influence of the agents which maintain the coordination between spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation on haemodynamics and respiration Objective To assess the acute effects of perindopril on haemodynamics and neurohormone in patients with CHF , and its clinical safety .

  10. 近年来,作为心室压力及容量负荷增加反应所产生的心脏神经激素&脑钠肽(BNP),很多学者对其与各种心脏病的关系进行了大量研究。

    In recent years , a lot of researches have been made on the relation between cardiac diseases and cardiac neurohormone & brain natriuretic peptide ( BNP ), which is comes from the increase load of ventricular pressure and volume .

  11. 甲壳动物高血糖激素(CHH)家族神经激素是甲壳动物特有的多肽类激素。

    Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormones ( CHH ) is a family of hormones which was specifically synthesized in sinus complex of X-organ in crustaceans .

  12. PrRP作为一种新的神经肽或神经激素,参与了电针调整HPOA功能异常的作用。这可能是电针治疗妇女围绝经期综合征的神经内分泌机制之一。

    Conclusion : PrRP , a new neuropeptide or neurohormone , participates in the effect of EA in normalizing the subnormal function of HPOA in OVX rats , which may be one of the neuroendocrine mechanisms of EA in relieving woman perimenopausal syndrome .

  13. 卵发育神经激素可以颉抗抑卵激素的抑制作用。

    EDNH could restore the development of oocyte inhibited byoostatic hormone .

  14. 氨力农对严重心力衰竭患者神经激素水平的影响

    Effects of Amrinone on Levels of Neurohormone in Patients with Severe Heart Failure

  15. 倾斜试验中血管迷走性晕厥患者血流动力学和神经激素的变化

    The hemodynamic and neurohormonal changes during head-up tilt table test in patients with vasovagal syncope

  16. 神经激素对蝗虫配子发生的影响

    Effects of neurohormones on locust 's gametogenesis

  17. 神经激素对配子细胞发生的影响及其作用

    Impact of neurohormone on gametogenesis

  18. 因此,阻断神经激素和心肌重构的恶性循环是心衰治疗的关键。

    Thus , it is a key therapy to inhibit the vicious cycle of neurohormone and ventricular remodeling .

  19. 当我是高一新生时,我是一个神经激素异常活跃的人。

    When I was a freshman in high school , I was a live wire of nervous hormones .

  20. 而延迟恢复房室传导可能是局部水肿消失,也可能与神经激素再调节和组织新生相关。

    Delayed recovery of late AVB may be related to the disappearance of local tissue edema and cell regeneration .

  21. 培哚普利对心力衰竭患者神经激素激活及血管内皮功能的临床作用

    Effect of perindopril on neurohormonal activation and vascular endothelial dysfunction in patients with congestive heart failure and its clinical efficacy

  22. 鞣化激素是调节昆虫表皮骨化和翅膀发育的一种神经激素。

    Bursicon is a neurohormone that regulates cuticle sclerotization ( tanning andhardening ) and the wing expansion processes in insects .

  23. 促性腺激素释放激素是下丘脑分泌产生的神经激素,对脊椎动物生殖的调控起重要作用。

    Gonadotropin_releasing hormone ( GnRH ) is the key hypothalamic neurohormone that is important in the control of reproduction for all vertebrates .

  24. 在进行耐量运动训练之前和之后,采用放射免疫法检测每一患者血浆中在静息状态下和极量平板运动后上述神经激素的水平。

    Before and after endurance exercise training , these neurohormones were measured by radioimmunoassay in resting condition and after peak treadmill exercise .

  25. 胺类和肽类是甲壳动物重要的生物活性物质,可作为神经激素、神经递质或神经调质参与调节各项生命活动,已得到学者们的广泛关注。

    Functioning as neurohormone , neurotransmitter or neuromodulator , amines and peptides are important bioactive substances of crustaceans , and have received much attention from researchers .

  26. 章鱼胺在无脊椎动物神经组织中可作为神经递质、神经激素或神经调节剂,它对昆虫的取食、迁飞和繁殖等生理过程起调节作用。

    Octopamine acts as a neurotransmitter , neurohormone or neuromodulator in the invertebrate nervous tissue , regulating several physiological processes in insects including feeding , locomotion and reproduction .

  27. 甲壳动物的中枢神经系统能够产生多种神经激素,对蜕皮、生殖、发育等生理功能具有重要的调节作用。

    Central nerve system ( CNS ) of crustacean could produce several kinds of neurohormones , which could regulate some physiological function such as ecdysis , procreation and development .

  28. 电子起搏器治疗窦房结功能障碍及其它心脏传导系统疾病已获得较好的效果,但也伴随一些负面效应:高费用、有限的电池寿命及缺乏对神经激素生理性反应等。

    Electronic pacemakers are used to treat a variety of disorders of the cardiac conduction system , with sinus node dysfunction being the primary indication that a pacemaker is required .

  29. 血钠浓度受压力感受器和渗透压感受器相互作用、中枢神经系统以及神经激素系统的复合调节,其中渴感和血管加压素的调节最重要。

    Serum sodium concentration is regulared by the interaction between the osmoreceptor and the baroreceptor and also regulared by the central nervous system and neurohormonal system , in which the sense of thirst and vasopressin are the most important factors .