
pí jiǔ
  • beer;brew;ale;suds;real ale;bevvy;amber fluid
啤酒 [pí jiǔ]
  • [beer] 一种略带苦味的酒精性饮料,以大麦芽和啤酒花所制成;特指通过底面发酵而酿成的这种饮料

啤酒[pí jiǔ]
  1. 欧洲大陆人根本不理解我们为什么喜欢喝温啤酒。

    The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer .

  2. 忽布花可增加啤酒的苦味。

    The flowers of the hop plant add bitterness to the beer .

  3. 待会儿你想去喝一品脱啤酒吗?

    Do you want to go for a pint later ?

  4. 他们目下正在打折卖啤酒。

    They have an offer on beer at the moment .

  5. 有人劝他少抽烟、少喝啤酒。

    He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer .

  6. 这种啤酒是在捷克共和国酿造的。

    The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic .

  7. 他喝了一大口啤酒。

    He took a deep draught of his beer .

  8. 她叫了一杯高玻璃杯装的冰镇啤酒。

    She ordered cold beer in a tall glass .

  9. 她喝葡萄酒和啤酒,但不沾烈性酒。

    She drinks wine and beer but no liquor .

  10. 他从瓶口直接喝啤酒。

    He drank his beer out of the bottle .

  11. 一单位酒精等于半品脱啤酒。

    One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer .

  12. 这种啤酒不卖散装。

    This beer is not available on draught .

  13. 他们闲坐着,对着瓶子大口地喝啤酒。

    They sat around swigging beer from bottles .

  14. 他放下杯子时,啤酒撒到了桌子上。

    As he put the glass down the beer slopped over onto the table .

  15. 他们喝了两桶啤酒。

    They got through two barrels of beer .

  16. 我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。

    I ordered a beer and a sandwich .

  17. 请来两份半品脱的苦啤酒。

    Two halves of bitter , please .

  18. 请来两品脱淡啤酒。

    Two pints of mild , please .

  19. 他们喝了两箱啤酒。

    They drank two crates of beer .

  20. 请来一品脱苦啤酒。

    A pint of bitter , please .

  21. 我们来杯啤酒吧?

    Shall we have a beer ?

  22. 你经常喝啤酒吗?

    Are you a beer drinker ?

  23. 我很想来杯啤酒。

    I could murder a beer .

  24. 请来两杯香蒂啤酒。

    Two shandies , please .

  25. 冰镇啤酒是吃咖喱的绝配。

    A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry .

  26. 一群人正站在一起痛饮啤酒。

    A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer .

  27. 这种啤酒是查尔斯·威尔斯啤酒厂生产的。

    The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery .

  28. 你怎么能喝这么多啤酒呢,卢克?

    How can you drink so much beer , Luke ?

  29. 他们那些设备都是从曼哈顿一家已经关闭的啤酒厂购买的。

    They bought all their equipment from a defunct brewery in Manhattan .

  30. 取材自同一原材料意味着啤酒的口味始终如一。

    Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same