
  • 网络withdrawal of offer;withdrawal of an offer
  1. 在要约被受要约人接受以前,要约人可以随时撤回要约。

    An offeror may withdraw an offer at any time before it has been accepted .

  2. 最为重要的,是削减要约人撤回他的要约的权利。

    The most important , is to curtail the offeror 's power to withdraw his offer .

  3. 电子合同的要约与承诺的撤回以及要约的撤销仍可适用传统的合同制度。

    The author also introduces the recalling and cancelling of offer and acceptance of the electronic contract , thinks this should still be applicable to the traditional contract system .

  4. 百度公司上周一表示,双方在几轮讨论之后仍未达成协议,之后致信百度董事会撤回私有化要约。百度股东、纽约对冲基金AcaciaPartners批评爱奇艺的出售价格“过低”。

    The pair informed the board that they had withdrawn the offer after failing to strike a deal despite several rounds of discussions , Baidu said last Monday . The withdrawal came days after New York hedge fund Acacia Partners criticized the online search giant for considering selling iQiyi at a price that is " far too low . "

  5. 第八十四条在收购要约的有效期限内,收购人不得撤回其收购要约。

    Article 84 . A purchaser is not allowed to cancel his purchasing order within its valid term .

  6. 结算公司对确认的预受要约股份进行临时保管,对撤回预受要约的股份解除临时保管。

    Clearing Company shawill implement temporary deposit for the confirmed shares of confirmed pre-accepted offers and release the temporary deposit for the shares of withdrawn pre-accepted offers .

  7. 本文以终止原因为标准,将要约终止区分为以下若干情形:要约撤回与撤销,要约拒绝,反要约,要约有效期经过,承诺,要约所附停止条件成就,当事人死亡。

    The terminating ways of an offer are divided as terminated by revocation , rejection , counter-offer , death , lapse of time , destruction of a person , acceptance and attached terminating conditions satisfied .