
chè xiāo quán
  • right of revocation;right of rescission
  1. 论撤销权的行使&对意思表示错误之救济

    Exercise of Right of Rescission & Redressment for Misimpression of Meaning

  2. 第六部分,破产撤销权的行使与效果。

    Part Six : The Exercise and Effect of the Right of Rescission .

  3. 其次,本文对行使核准决定撤销权的限制进行了分析。

    Second , it analyses the limit factors to approval revocation .

  4. 摘要理论上对赠与人撤销权制度的认识存在着极大的分歧。

    There are disputations about donator 's right of revocation theoretically .

  5. 论赠与合同的任意撤销权

    Study on the Right of Withdrawing the Dotation Contract at Will

  6. 论债权人撤销权与交易安全

    An Analysis of Creditors ' Right to Revoke and Trade Security

  7. 美国破产撤销权制度研究

    Research on the System of Repeal Rights in American Bankruptcy Law

  8. 关于赠与合同任意撤销权的探讨

    Talk about the cancel right wantonly of the grant contract

  9. 浅谈合同撤销权行使后的法律后果

    Brief Analysis on Law Consequences of Implementing Right of Contract-Withdrawal

  10. 论撤销权的性质及其成立要件

    On the Nature and Tenable Important Conditions of Repeal Rights

  11. 另外,行政行为类型不同,违法行政行为撤销权所受到的限制也就不同。

    In addition , different administrative actions are restricted differently .

  12. 试论不动产双重买卖与撤销权之行使

    On Real Estate Dual Sales and Enforceable Right of Revocation

  13. 破产撤销权制度一直争议颇多。

    There have been many disputes about bankruptcy revocation system .

  14. 债权人撤销权制度研究

    Study of the System of the Creditor 's Canceling Right

  15. 论债权人撤销权的主体

    A Study on the Subject of the Creditor 's Right of Revocation

  16. 再次,运用比较法学的方法对国外成熟的破产撤销权的相关规定进行比较分析,并从中获得有助于解决我国相关问题的启示。

    Again , analysis of overseas mature relevant provision , solve our problems .

  17. 论债权保全制度中的撤销权

    On Repeal of Protection System of Creditor 's Right

  18. 债权人撤销权的理解和适用

    Understanding and Application of the Creditor Right of Rescission

  19. 一是分析了业主撤销权的性质。

    First it analyzes the nature of the owners ' right of revocation .

  20. 债权人的撤销权是一项古老的民法制度。

    The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system .

  21. 论我国合同法上的撤销权制度

    On the Rescind System of Contract Law of China

  22. 赠与合同撤销权问题研究

    A Study of the Issue of Rescind Right to a Contract of Gift

  23. 破产撤销权的制度设计

    Design Systematic Description of Repeal Rights in Insolvency

  24. 债权人撤销权由客观要件与主观要件构成。

    The creditors ' canceling right is composed of subjective documents and objective documents .

  25. 首先,确定了法定撤销权的含义。

    Firstly , the author defines the meaning of the legal right of cancellation .

  26. 浅析债权人的撤销权

    An Analysis on the Cancel Rights of Creditor

  27. 论破产撤销权的制度价值与法律性质

    On the System Values and Legal Properties of the Cancellation Right in Bankruptcy Cases

  28. 破产撤销权相关期间的限制

    Study on Restricting the Period of Time in the Revocable Rights of the Bankruptcy Law

  29. 论信托受益人的撤销权

    On the Revocatory Right of the Beneficiary

  30. 首先,对赠与合同任意撤销权做出界定。

    Firstly , the author defines the arbitrary right of revocation of the gift contract .