
chè huàn
  • replace;dismiss and replace;recall
撤换 [chè huàn]
  • (1) [replace]∶撤去原有的,换上其他的(如把新闻稿件、部队等撤下来另外换上)

  • 撤换旧桌椅

  • (2) [dismiss and replace]∶开除,免职,使丧失成员资格、地位或官职

  • 全体会员鼓掌通过撤换那位主席

撤换[chè huàn]
  1. 居民会议有权撤换和补选居民委员会成员。

    The residents assembly shall have the power to recall members of the residents committee and hold a by-election .

  2. 雇主认为承包人委派的授权代表不合格时,可以反对并要求立即撤换。[require较ask正式;公文体forthwith较atonce正式;]。

    The Employer may object to and require the Contractor to replace forthwith any of its authorized representatives who is incompetent .

  3. 如果他要求太多,工会就会投票撤换他。

    If he demands too much , the unions will vote him down .

  4. 他不称职,被撤换了。

    Due to his incompetence he was replaced .

  5. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .

  6. 投诉过后,Target网站将这两种服装从其网站上撤换下来。

    Target removed the costumes from its website after the complaints .

  7. 积极型对冲基金斯塔博德(StarboardValue)近日要求撤换雅虎整个董事会。

    Starboard , an activist hedge fund , called this week for its entire board of directors to be fired .

  8. 正如我们一向说的那样,你们不能改变市场机遇,但可以撤换CEO。

    As we like to say , you can 't change the size of a market opportunity , but you can change the CEO .

  9. 花旗集团(citigroup)昨日撤换了任职不足4个月的首席财务官内德凯利(nedkelly)。

    Citigroup replaced Ned Kelly , its finance chief , yesterday after less than four months in the job .

  10. 根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员。另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策拥有否决权。

    Under the plan , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives will be appointed . It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

  11. 美联储向该保险商提供一笔850亿美元的贷款,以惩罚性的利率计息,并且拿AIG的最佳资产作为担保,还得以撤换管理层,并获得AIG近五分之四股权的认股权证。

    The Fed gave the insurer an $ 85bn loan , charged at punitive rates and secured against AIG 's best assets , while replacing the management and taking a warrant for almost four-fifths of AIG 's equity .

  12. 这是美国政府应对全球信贷危机的最新重大干预行动。根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员,但目前尚未提名。

    Under the plan , the latest dramatic intervention by the US government to combat the global credit crisis , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives - as yet unnamed - will be appointed .

  13. 它规定福布斯传媒必须要做到三件事:首先卖出在线金融辞典Investopedia;其次撤换CEO史蒂夫•福布斯;要么就需实现某些财务指标。

    It stipulated that one of three things had to happen : the sale of Investopedia , an online financial dictionary ; the replacement of Steve Forbes as CEO ; or the achievement of certain financial targets .

  14. 争斗的火花出现于两个月前,当时总统没有理睬最高领袖要求撤换情报部长海达尔穆斯利赫(heydarmoslehi)的命令。

    The spark for the fight came two months ago , when the president ignored an order from the supreme leader to sack the intelligence minister , Heydar moslehi .

  15. “以往日本驻华大使的任期为大约4年,因此他难免会被视为遭到撤换,”政治时事通讯《insideline》主编takaotoshikawa表示。

    " The Japanese ambassador to China has , in the past , held the post for about four years , so it cannot be helped if he is seen to have been replaced , " said Takao toshikawa , editor of insideline , a political newsletter .

  16. 撤换诺里斯需要法庭的命令才行。

    It will require a court order to have Norris removed .

  17. 我现在撤换一下床单和枕袋。

    I 'm coming to change the sheets and pillow cases .

  18. 10·选举和撤换酋长的权利。

    10 . The right to elect chieftains and to depose them .

  19. 从满洲时代遗留下来的一些年老的高级军官给撤换了。

    Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked .

  20. 上一个撤换战争指挥官的总统是哈里·杜鲁门。

    The last president to remove a war commander was Harry Truman .

  21. 苯丙胺戊巴比妥酸盐癫痫病人撤换苯妥英钠和苯巴比妥的临床研究

    Clinical research on withdrawal and replacement of phenytoin and phenobarbitone in epileptic patients

  22. 在目前这个阶段,撤换金墉只会让局面更加混乱。

    Removing Mr Kim at this stage would only add to the confusion .

  23. 他不称职,必须撤换。

    He is inefficient and must be replaced .

  24. 任何组织或者个人不得指定、委派或者撤换村委会成员。

    Any organization or individual cannot appoint or replace members of villagers ' committees .

  25. 不要一下于统统撤换。

    Do not remove them all at once .

  26. 他认为杰斐逊很快就会撤换他那位做事拖拉的指挥官。

    He was of the opinion that Jefferson would soon remove his dilatory commander .

  27. 但达林应该因为他的诚实得到表扬,而非遭到撤换。

    But Mr Darling is to be praised , not dropped , for his probity .

  28. 我必须马上撤换我自己。

    I am to immediately recuse myself .

  29. 并且免其义务撤换了他

    and have recused him from service .

  30. 这个裁定仅会改变该委员会成员的撤换方式。

    The ruling will only change the way that Peekaboo board members will be removed .