
zá jū
  • live together;two or more nationalities live together
杂居 [zá jū]
  • [two or more nationalities live together] 指若干民族在一个地区居住

  • 满汉杂居

杂居[zá jū]
  1. 在苗、汉杂居地区,苗族学生的学业成就远低于汉族学生。

    In areas where the Miao and the Han live together , the Miao students ' achievements in learning is always lower than the Han .

  2. 在民族发展及交往的过程中,无论是杂居还是散居,每个民族都形成了富有独特魅力的民族文化和信仰。

    In national development and the process of interaction , whether live together or scattered , each nation have formed a unique charm of the rich culture and beliefs .

  3. 但这种逐渐显露出来的抱怨,反映出汉族与少数民族杂居地区普遍存在的不满情绪。

    But the unfolding complaints reflect broader dissatisfaction across ethnic boundaries .

  4. 论民族杂居地区语言和谐问题的研究意义

    On the Research Significance of Languages Harmony in Ethnically Mixed Areas

  5. 散杂居城市少数民族就业竞争力与对策研究

    The Employment Competitiveness and Strategy of Ethnic Minority in Scattered Mixed Cities

  6. 在人类历史的长河中,各民族之间的贸易交往、文化交流、移民杂居以及战争征服等各种形式的文化接触,都会引起语言间的相互接触。

    Intercommunication between different nations and cultures inevitably brings forth language contact .

  7. 第二章,沔城回族散杂居格局的形成与发展。

    Formation and Development of the Pattern of Dispersed and Mixed Hui People .

  8. 没有散杂居民族地区的和谐就没有整个社会的和谐。

    No these places ' harmony , no the whole society s harmony .

  9. 大杂居、小聚居的社会环境。认识清楚贵州文化的特征,对重建贵州文化有重要意义。

    Seeing this is of great significance to reconstruct the local culture in Guizhou .

  10. 民族杂居地少数民族文化心理研究的进展与构想

    Research Development and Frame of Minority Cultural Psychology

  11. 云南文山多民族杂居地区跨文化教育课程资源研究

    Research in the Cross-culture Education Curriculum Resource of Wenshan 's Multiracial Zone of Yunnan

  12. 新疆多民族杂居地区县级人口预测

    The Forecast of County Population in the Area Inhabited by Many Nationalities in Xinjiang

  13. 在巴西,有多种民族杂居在一起。

    Many races are mixed together in Brazil .

  14. 从文化移入谈云南杂居回族的民族认同

    On the Ethnic Identity in Hui Culture of Yunnan Through the Angle of Cultural Transplantation

  15. 他们爱杂居在一起。

    They like living in a huddle .

  16. 河西走廊历来就是各民族杂居之地。

    Traditionally , Hexi Corridor has always been inhabited by many ethnic groups living together .

  17. 杂居地区初中生非智力因素发展的跨文化研究

    A Cross Culture Study on the Non-intellective Factors of Middle School Students of Nationalities Living Together

  18. 多民族杂居地区文化变迁研究

    On Culture Change of Multinational Areas

  19. 杂居区的发展是多民族的发展,民族因素与发展因素须结合起来考虑。

    Facing the multi-national area , we must consider the national factor and the development factor fully .

  20. 历史上民族散杂居是中国社会的常态。

    It has been quite a normal phenomenon in history that many ethnic groups inhabit together in China .

  21. 论当代撒尼人的族群认同变迁&对云南省石林县一个彝汉杂居村落的个案分析

    Changes of Contemporary Sani People 's Ethnic Group Identity : A Case study in A Mixed-ethnic Village in Yunnan

  22. 实践中,江西省直部门对口支援散杂居民族地区的显著成绩也证实了这种内在逻辑联系。

    In practice , the internal logic connection is confirmed by the remarkable achievements of counterpart aid in Jiangxi province .

  23. 苗、汉杂居地区苗族学生低学业成就的原因分析&以毕节市观音桥办事处苗族教育为例

    Analysis of the Miao Ethnic Students ' Low Achievements in Learning in Areas Where the Miao and the Han Live Together

  24. 新时期以来,民族杂居区的语言接触研究较为深入和广泛,取得了丰富的成果。

    In new Era , language contact research in multiethnic areas is in-depth and extensive , and has achieved fruitful results .

  25. 在具有多种双语类型的民族杂居村落,其他少数民族语言也可能成为族际交际的工具。

    Under such kind of situation , other minority languages may also become the main communication tool in different ethnic groups .

  26. 这部小说的主题通常被认为是关于种族歧视和异族杂居的,从某种程度上是这样的。

    This novel is usually seen as chiefly about the racial discrimination and miscegenation , and to some degree it is .

  27. 那是因为木精灵们总是喜欢美好的群居生活,而且不介意和别的种族杂居。

    That 's because wood elves are really the nicest of the bunch and don 't mind talking to other folks .

  28. 目的了解宁夏回汉民族杂居区胆石症的发病及临床特点。

    Objective To analyze the morbidity and clinical features of cholelithiasis in mixed residential region of Hui and Han nationalities in Ningxia .

  29. 秩序和稳定问题是当前我国民族地区尤其是少数民族散杂居地区的焦点议题之一。

    How to maintain order and stability is one of the key issues in ethnic regions , especially in mixed ethnics areas .

  30. 第三部分对杂居区的语言使用现状(包括方言和民族语)和普通话水平现状进行说明。

    The third part has depicted the language usage and Putonghua level in the multiethnic areas ( including dialects and national language ) .