
hán jìn
  • shiver
寒噤 [hán jìn]
  • [shiver (with cold or fear)] 因受冷或受惊而身体颤动

  • 打寒噤

  1. 症状包括头痛、呕吐和打寒噤。

    Symptoms include headaches , vomiting and the shivers .

  2. 她不由得打了个寒噤,深深吸了口气

    She drew a deep shuddering breath .

  3. 我亲见几个作者,都被他们骂得寒噤了。

    I have seen several writers scared into silence by abuse .

  4. 这些话让他不停地打寒噤。

    It kept him in a cold shiver all the time .

  5. 想到这里,思嘉打了一个寒噤。

    Scarlett shook as with a chill at the thought .

  6. 他不禁打了个寒噤。心里隐隐感到有了盼头。

    He shivered , feeling a muffled anticipation and elation .

  7. 他拼命想开口讲话,可是期期艾艾地只打了一个寒噤。

    He strove to speak , but caught his breath , stammering .

  8. 他一边穿上衬衫、工装裤和鞋子,一边打着寒噤。

    He shivered while he was putting on his shirt , overalls , and shoes .

  9. 马吕斯感到一阵寒噤,从头颤到脚。

    Marius shivered from head to foot .

  10. 他瞧瞧自己白而修长的手指,不由自主地微微打了个寒噤。

    He glanced at his own white taper fingers , shuddering slightly in spite of himself .

  11. 两个冒险家浑身湿漉漉地打着寒噤,回到原先金雀花丛那里。

    Thoroughly drenched and chilled , the two adventurers returned to their position in the gorse .

  12. 6点钟从暖和的车间出来,冷风一吹,她不禁打了一个寒噤。

    She came out of the warm shop at six and shivered as the wind struck her .

  13. 他打了个寒噤,向自己说:“我的上帝!难道我又要变成这个样子吗?”

    He said to himself with a shudder ," good god ! Shall I become like that again ?"

  14. 到了家从车里出来时,吴荪甫猛然打一个寒噤,浑身汗毛都直竖了。

    When Wu sun-fu arrived home and got out of the car , he shivered and went gooseflesh all over .

  15. 陡的一阵狂风吹进房来,房里的四位都打了个寒噤。

    Suddenly , a violent gust of wind swept into the room , and the four of them gave a shiver .

  16. 豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。

    The jackal removed the towels from his head , which had been steaming again , shook himself , yawned , shivered , and complied .

  17. 他站起来踱了几步,却又是一步一个寒噤,背脊上冷水直浇。

    He stood up and began pacing to and fro , but he shivered at every step , and he felt as if cold water were trickling down his spine .

  18. 雨小些了,外边很冷,散出来的人都打寒噤。外来有害植物种群扩散的综合测定方法

    It was not raining so hard now , but it was chilly outside and the girls shivered as they came out of the hut . Integrative Method in Determing Population Diffusion of Exotic Harmful Plants