
hán wēi
  • of humble origin;of low station
寒微 [hán wēi]
  • [of low station;of humble origin] 身世贫贱

寒微[hán wēi]
  1. 金泰的律师詹姆斯·奥普金斯(JamesHopkins)称他是一个好学生,出身寒微,没有犯罪记录,而且还教小孩下国际象棋。

    James Hopkins , a lawyer for Kim , described him as a good student from a humble background who had no record and teaches chess to children .

  2. 他因家世寒微而被人看不起。

    He was looked down on because of his humble background .

  3. 作为一个出身寒微的女人,您妻子有着不俗的品味。

    For a woman of humble origin , your wife has refined tastes .

  4. 虽然我们都出身寒微,却都能懂得讲究生存质量。

    Although we are humble origins , but can understand the attention to quality of life .

  5. 在尤兰的一个小市镇里有一个寒微的人家,里面住着一个信仰犹太教的穷苦女佣人。她就是萨拉。

    In one of the smallest provincial towns , in a humble household , lived a poor maiden of the Jewish faith , as a servant .

  6. 陈朝的建立者陈霸先,吴兴郡长城(浙江长兴)人,出身寒微。

    Chen Baxian , the founder of the Chen Dynasty , was born in a humble family of Changcheng WuXing ( now Changxing , Zhejiang province ) .