
hán yī
  • winter clothing
寒衣 [hán yī]
  • [winter clothing] 冬天御寒的衣服,如棉衣,棉裤等

  • 就居求寒衣。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

寒衣[hán yī]
  1. 要是你要出去,穿上你的厚寒衣。

    Put on your heavy winter coat if you are going out .

  2. 昨天苏珊感冒了,所以我把寒衣借给她。

    Susan was cold last night , so I lent her my sweater .

  3. 未食五月粽,寒衣未入栊。

    Not food may be not worth the Long .

  4. 说到这里他停了下来,浅浅地一笑,同时因风寒衣薄而微微颤抖。

    He stopped and smiled faintly , shivering a little as the cold wind went through his thin shirt .

  5. 在18个月里,罗比内特花了大约300个小时坐在海滩上,穿着御寒衣,观察乌鸦。

    Over the course of 18 months , Robinette spent about 300 hours sitting on the beach , cloaked in cold-weather gear , watching crows .