
hé jiā tuán yuán
  • Family reunion;reunion of homefolks after a temporary separation;One's family was reunited
阖家团圆[hé jiā tuán yuán]
  1. 春节是中国人阖家团圆、把酒言欢的传统佳节。

    The Chinese New Year is a time of family reunion and feasting .

  2. 中国将在2月初迎来农历新年,在春节前几周,由于民众争相为这个阖家团圆的节日采购美食和礼物,通胀往往会提速。

    China will celebrate the Chinese New Year in early February and inflation usually accelerates in the weeks leading up to the festival as citizens rush to buy delicacies and gifts for the family holiday .

  3. 中国人在农历八月十五日过中秋节,这是一个家人团聚赏月的节日,因为圆圆的月亮象征着阖家团圆。

    On the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar , the moon is full and it is time to mark the Moon Festival , or the Mid-Autumn Festival . The round shape symbolizes family reunion .

  4. 午餐尚可以在外面快餐盒饭对付一顿,阖家大团圆的晚饭就不能敷衍塞责地马虎过去了。

    Lunch could be rushed through with fast food as we were on the run in the daytime , but the family gathering for dinner in the evening could not be fixed in any old way .
