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  1. 为营造阖闾墓,征调10万民工,历时3年才完成。

    It took more than 100 000 forced labourers three years to complete the construction of the tomb .

  2. 该项目将历时10年,资金总额预计达3200万元。为营造阖闾墓,征调10万民工,历时3年才完成。

    An estimated 32 million yuan is to go to this 10-year campaign . It took more than 100 000 forced labourers three years to complete the construction of the tomb .

  3. 夫差让勾践住在虎丘山其父阖闾墓旁的山洞中,为他养马、打扫庭院。老板告诉他们附近一个曾被用做马厩的山洞里可以栖身。

    The King of Wu had his captive put up in a cave near the tomb of his father He Lu and told him to work as his groom and also to sweep the palace grounds .