
chè xiāo zhí wù
  • discharge;dismiss;dismissal
  1. 江西省两名官员因涉嫌稀土开采和水力项目贪污而被撤销职务,开除党籍。

    And two officials in Jiangxi Province have been dismissed from their posts and expelled from the Party for corruption tied to rare earth mining and water resource projects .

  2. 国有资产监督管理机构对直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人依法给予纪律处分,直至撤销职务;

    The institution for supervision and administration of state-owned assets shall impose upon the directly responsible person in charge and the directly liable persons in accordance with the law a disciplinary sanction of not severer than removal from posts ;

  3. 一名副书记撤销党内职务。

    A deputy secretary has been removed from his party position .

  4. “瓮安事件”中被撤销党政职务的原县委书记,复出任黔南州财政局副局长;

    The former county party secretary who had been removed his job because of the " Weng'an Incident " came back as the vice Qiannan Finance Bureau Deputy Director .

  5. 上述任何人士若被发现有贪污受贿欺诈或严重失职行为,董事会可以随时撤销其职务。

    If any of the above-mentioned persons is found to be guilty of corruption , embezzlement , fraud or serious neglect of duty , he may be dismissed by the Board at any time .

  6. 免除,解除(职务等)他们撤销了他的职务。

    They removed him from his position .