
bǔ xuǎn
  • by-election
补选 [bǔ xuǎn]
  • [by-election] 为了补缺而在两次正规选举之间进行的选举

补选[bǔ xuǎn]
  1. 自由党在本次补选中取得引人注目的胜利。

    The Liberals have scored a dramatic victory in this by-election .

  2. 他无需经过补选就可以接任此职。

    His replacement takes over without the need for a by-election .

  3. 新闻界对这次补选未加宣传。小看了它的重要性。

    The press gave the by-election no publicity and belittled its significance .

  4. 要在补选时填补的议会空缺。

    Parliamentary vacancies to be filled at by-elections .

  5. 补选的结果被人解释为是政府遭受严重挫折。

    The by-election result is being interpreted as a serious setback for the government .

  6. 沃灵顿选区补选的结果。

    The result of the Warrington by-election .

  7. 工党在这一年取得了巨大的成功一在达灵顿的补选中获胜。

    The year has seen one signal triumph for the labour party-victory in the Darlington by-election .

  8. 我决定不参与七月的特首补选。

    I have decided not to take part in the by-election of the chief executive in July .

  9. 至少有一个亲北京的党派在提到这些广告时,表示不会支持补选。

    Citing the adverts , at least one pro-Beijing party said it would not contest the by-elections .

  10. 居民会议有权撤换和补选居民委员会成员。

    The residents assembly shall have the power to recall members of the residents committee and hold a by-election .

  11. 这就意味着他现在必须参加十一月八号的一场补选来保住自己的席位。

    This means that he now has to stand in a special election on November8th to keep his seat .

  12. 补选了职工监事,充实监事会力量,充分发挥监事会的职能作用。

    Supervisors from the staff have been elected , increasing the capacity and bringing into full play the board of supervisors .

  13. 回教党极端的言论和行径结果令到回教党在两场补选中兵败如山倒,落得一个惨淡的收场。

    The feelings of the non Muslim and Chinese community were badly hurt resulting to a disastrous defeat in the two bi-elections .

  14. 改选或者补选理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会组成人员;

    Electing or by-electing the members on the board of trustees , the board of directors or of the joint managerial committee ;

  15. 次要的兴趣;副作用;只是附评;补选;补选;副产品;次要表演。

    A side interest ; a by ( or bye ) effect ; only a by comment ; by-election ; bye-election ; a by-product ; by-play .

  16. 提出了簇头意外失效时补选簇头和网络层功率控制优化策略。

    By-election of cluster head ( CH ) is proposed to handle the accidental nodes hardware failures . The network level power control is also proposed .

  17. 新泽西州长克里斯·克里斯蒂称,他意图在10月份举行补选填补由于弗兰克·劳坦柏死亡导致的参议院空席。

    New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he wants to hold a special election in October to fill the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by Frank Lautenberg 's death .

  18. 提出了用模糊判别的自动阈值法与手工补选样点修正阈值法相结合的图像分割方法,实现了对有其它植物叶片为背景的杂草图像的正确分割。

    To segment leaves , as other leaves in image background , the segment method that combined auto-threshold with handwork sampling to modify segment threshold can segment accurately aim leaves .

  19. 通过领导自民党党员成功补选众议院两个议席,安倍还度过了担任首相以来第一个真正的选举大关(确切地说,选他出任首相的不是民众,而是执政的自民党)。

    He also passed his first real electoral test as prime minister ( he was chosen not by the public but rather the governing Liberal Democratic Party ) by leading the Liberal Democrats to two by-election victories .