
  1. 医疗财政转移支付的主要项目包括基本医疗保险补助支出、基本医疗机构体系建设支出和基本药物保障财政支出。

    Major projects include basic medical insurance subsidy spending , financial expenditures on basic medical institutions and essential drugs financial expenditure .

  2. 财政支出对社会公平的影响是多方面的,其中,对低收入群体的补助支出直接提高了其收入水平。

    Fiscal expenditure influences social equality in many ways , among which , the subsidy expenditures on the low-income group directly raise their income level ;

  3. 她却无视这些劝告,偏偏反其道而行之,大力增加能源和交通补助以及提高社会支出。

    She has ignored calls to step on the brakes , instead increasing energy and transport subsidies and social spending .