
  • 网络replenishment system
  1. 足够的资源和受过良好培训的人员(专业评估者)来补充系统。

    Sufficient resources and trained personnel ( professional appraisers ) to implement the system .

  2. 加水系统:采用加水补充系统,水位过低时自动补充。

    Seven , add water system : adopting adding water added system , water at low voluntarily .

  3. 142MW汽轮机组补充水系统的技术完善

    Technical Development of Water Supply for 142 MW Turbine Units

  4. 缺货部分补充库存系统的最优存贮策略

    The Optimal Order Police of Inventory System with Partial Backlogging

  5. 后补充供给系统在刀具管理中的研究与应用

    The After Supplement System in the Cutter Management

  6. 分析和预测补充信息系统

    Supplementary information system for analysis and projection purposes

  7. 合理补充粉磨系统的烘干能力等。

    Separator applicability and drying capacity supplement .

  8. 二是补充非系统风险的观点。

    Non-systemic risk need supplement .

  9. 这项技术,这是个联机补充燃料系统,它能避免在补充燃料的时候,将反应堆关掉的需要。

    The technology again this is an online re-fuelling system which basically avoids the need to shut down the reactor when you re-fuel .

  10. 从调节循环冷却水的水化学工况入手,防止以弱酸床处理水作为循环冷却水补充水系统的结垢与腐蚀。

    The chemical condition of cooling water in operation has been adjusted in weak acid ion exchange treatment fed to prevent the cooling water system from scaling .

  11. 对工业循环冷却水的给水系统、回水系统、排污系统、补充水系统、冷却塔防冻等存在问题提出了相关的建议,以期设计工作更能符合实际需要。

    Put forward some relative advices on supply of industrial cycle cooling water . Its return flow system , waste dis-charge system , supplementary water system and antifreezing problem for the more practical design .

  12. 即立法赋予银监会的非现场监管权力,同时赋予民间金融自律行业协会组织为主的,地方银监局监管为辅的现场监管权利,最后加以各地司法机关的补充协助系统性监管体系。

    That is not on the enabling legislation of the banking regulatory authority , also give civil finance self-discipline industry association based organization , place the CBRC , supplemented by the right regulatory oversight , and finally to the judicial organs around the added to assist systemic regulatory system .

  13. 同时运用通用建模语言UML补充对原系统模型的建模,方便不同的研究人员理解、掌握该系统。

    The original model has been supplemented by using UML in order to let other researchers understand and grasp the system .

  14. P2P传输单元是IP组播的延伸和补充,为系统提供自适应能力、持续性和稳定性。

    In this system , P2P transmit module is the complement and extention for IP multicast , and affords the adaptive ability 、 durative and stability .

  15. 补充各电气系统的主要设备材料表。

    The list of the main electrical equipment and materials should be provided .

  16. 火电厂锅炉补充水软化系统的改进研究

    Research on the improvement of softening system of supplementary water in boiler in heat power plant

  17. 为了补充声探测系统在特殊情况下的不足,根据正三角震动阵列定位原理,推导了正三角震动阵列对地面震动目标的定位公式。

    To complement the limitation of the acoustic location , the mechanism of passive vibration location on the ground by regular triangle array is given .

  18. 最终补充了灾害系统理论,为高校防火工作提供了新的方法,也为其他相关工作拓展了思路。

    It supplements the fire disaster system , provides a new method of fire prevention on university campus and widens the eyes in other related fields .

  19. 菲格说美国计划用反导防御网来隔开北约,又补充说这系统还不完善,甚至在某些方面还不可靠。

    The U.S.plans with the anti-missile shield divide NATO , Fico said , adding that the system is not yet fully developed and that it is even unreliable in certain respects .

  20. 在本质上,一个业务平台是业务平台提供商与通过相互支持向消费市场提供服务的补充者生态系统的组合。

    In essence , a business platform is a combination of a business platform provider and an ecosystem of complementers that support one another in providing services to a marketplace of consumers .

  21. 通过加载Linux来替代(或补充)主机操作系统,可以使老式机器焕发新的活力。

    You can give older machines a new life by loading Linux instead of ( or in addition to ) the host operating system .

  22. SCADA主要完成配电自动化所需要的四遥功能,但不能真正的完成配电自动化中的无人值守变电站的监控功能,作为SCADA功能的必要补充,遥视系统已经应用到了配电自动化中。

    SCADA complete four remote functions of distribution automation needs . But it can 't fulfill completely unattended substation .

  23. 它不仅可以作为补充脱氮除磷系统的优良碳源,还可用作PHA的合成底物。

    It is can be used as carbon source not only in biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal system , but also in biological process such as PHA synthesis .

  24. 作为PDI与伊顿爱克赛品牌警犬队,电源保护无限的经销商可以提供适当的警犬队,以补充现有的电力系统。

    As a reseller for PDI and Eaton Powerware brand PDU 's , Power Protection Unlimited can provide the right PDU to complement your existing power systems .

  25. 最后,Snapshot备份机制:利用逻辑卷管理系统提供的Snapshot技术,可以进行从系统数据的在线/离线备份,并可以作为远程备份的补充,提高DDT系统的整体可靠性。

    Fourth , Snapshot Backup mechanism : DDT system can backup data of Secondary system online or off-line based on the Snapshot technology of LVM , which is the supplement of Remote Backup and can improve the reliability of DDT system .

  26. 运动训练中补充谷氨酰胺对免疫系统的影响

    On the Influence of Supplement of Glutamine on Immune System in Exercise Training

  27. 协助补充和完善电气系统设备、设施的备品、辅助材料、工具和相关存档资料;

    Cooperate and improve spare electric equipment and facility , assistant material , tools and relevant documents ;

  28. 海上安全系统的必要补充&海上求生系统工程初论

    The Essential Complement to The Safety System At Sea & On the System Engineer of Survival at Sea Preliminary

  29. 管理员除了完成普通用户的操作功能以外,系统管理员可以管理,补充和完善所有系统中的相关数据,有比普通权限更高的权限。

    In addition to complete the operation of normal users , system administrators may also manage , replenish and complete graduates information .

  30. 可以在不对原系统作较大改动的情况下实现直接充灌。不利的一点就是温度滑移较大,因此在实际操作中必须小心细致,尽量避免成分泄漏或者补充充灌对系统的影响。

    The disadvantage is the considerable great temperature glide , so it should be careful deal with , avoiding refrigerant leakage influence on system .