
  • 网络recruitment;Supplementation level
  1. 渔业种群亲体与补充量关系研究

    Relationships of Stock and Recruitment in Fish Stock Assessment

  2. 据Pope世代分析法估算鲢鳙群体的补充量。

    The recruitment for silver carp and bighead carp stocks is assessed by Pope cohort analysis method .

  3. 由于渔业资源评估中补充量的剧烈变动、亲体量的测量误差以及时间序列的偏差常常使亲体补充量(SR)关系模型的确定存在很大偏差问题。

    Variations in environmental variables and measurement errors often result in large and heterogeneous deviations in fitting fish stock-recruitment ( SR ) data to an SR statistical model .

  4. 再依据B-H模型计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获尾数、单位补充量平均资源重量、渔获物平均年龄和单位补充量渔获量的情况。

    B-H model is adopted to analyze catch numbers per recruit , average stock weight per recruit , average age of catch and catch amount per recruit .

  5. AIC与BIC在亲体-补充量模型选择中的应用及比较对虾亲体数量和补充量之间的关系


  6. 采用欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织(EORTC)开发的生活质量量表(QLQ)核心量表(C-30)和食管癌补充量表(OES-18)评价患者术前和术后的生活质量。

    The EORTC questionnaire QLQ C-30 together with OES-18 were applied to evaluate the short-term QOL of the patients before and after operation .

  7. 这种方法的基本思想是利用BPF的某些性质和引入某些补充量把连续时间LQR问题转化成一类特殊的动态规划问题,进而根据最优性原理进行求解。

    The basic idea of the method is that a problem of the LQR is first converted to a special kind of problem of multi-stage dynamic programming by using some properties of the BPFs and introducing some implemental quantities .

  8. 专门人才队伍年龄结构和补充量的最优规划

    Optimal planning for age structure and replenishment of specialized manpower contingent

  9. 外部胰岛素补充量的控制是难点所在。

    The difficulty is the control of the insulin quantity .

  10. CocoaWell按一个月的补充量计算价格30美元。

    CocoaWell costs $ 30 for a month 's supply .

  11. 虾池的溶解氧含量及其补充量和消耗量

    A study on dissolved oxygen and its supplement and consumption in shrimp ponds

  12. 关于咖啡因的补充量是2杯咖啡的所含的量。

    The supplement had about the amount of caffeine found in two cups of coffee .

  13. 用洗肺鼠探讨肺表面活性物质补充量

    Effects of amounts of surfactant replacement on respiratory failure induced by lung lavage in rats

  14. 东方田鼠扩散的趋势与其种群密度及补充量的变动一致。

    Trends in the dispersal of the vole were consistent to the variance of population density and recruitment in the voles .

  15. 对厦门港沉积物中桡足类卵库对其浮游种群潜在补充量进行了初步研究。

    The potential recruitment of copepods egg bank into the planktonic population in Xiamen Harbor was investigated in November , 2002 .

  16. 因此可以确定异育银鲫硒最适补充量有机硒、无机硒在0.6-1.2mg/kg之间。

    Therefore gibel determine the optimum selenium replenishment of organic selenium and inorganic selenium in the 0.6-1.2 mg / kg between .

  17. 去年,美国儿科学会将所有儿童(从新生儿至青少年)的维生素D推荐补充量增加一倍。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics last year doubled the amount of vitamin D it recommends for all children , from newborns to teens .

  18. 干季树干液流与水汽压亏缺之间的时滞效应与夜间水分补充量显著相关,湿季则相反。

    The time lag between Js and VPD was significantly related to nighttime water recharge in dry season , but reversed in wet season .

  19. 基本上那个方式表示的就是人们可以从一个体系中抽取和自然补充量,自然流回系统的水量同样多的水。

    Basically what this method says is that you can pump as much water out of a system as naturally recharges ... as naturally flows back in .

  20. 目的探讨胎兔手术麻醉的合理方法及不同羊水补充量对手术胎兔成活率的影响。

    AIM To investigate a reasonable method of anesthesia in the operation of rabbit fetus and the influence of the different volume of amniotic fluid on the survival rate of fetus .

  21. 再依据不完全β函数渔获量方程,计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获量(Yw/R)的变化情况。

    The catch equation including incomplete β function is adopted to analyze catch weight per recruit ( Y_w / R ) at different first capture age and with different fishing mortality coefficient .

  22. 成人日补充量2g/d是安全的,不会引起血尿酸水平的异常持续性升高而产生高尿酸血症和痛风。

    In general , the recommendatory dose of 2 g / d is safe for human beings . This does not cause abnormal rise of serum uric acid level , which leads to hyperuricemia and gout .

  23. 同时我们还应该看到处理后污水的利用大大降低了我们新鲜水的补充量,节约了水资源,降低了我们的生产成本,提高了企业的经济效益。

    We ought to see that the amount of supply of fresh water is decreased after the sewage is harnessed and save the resource of water and decrease the cost of production and improve the economic benefit of enterprise .

  24. 本文在单位补充量产量和单位补充量生物量模型中加入了亲体补充模型即密度相关过程,并引入了白色噪音以模拟环境变化。

    This paper introduces the stock-recruitment model ( i.e. a density dependent process ) into the catch per unit recruit model and biomass per unit recruit model , and introduces white noise to simulate the changes in their environments .

  25. 耳石微结构主要用于鱼类年龄鉴定,早期生长,产卵期、孵化期和产卵场的推导,早期生活史事件的研究,鱼类种群鉴别,早期死亡及年级补充量,生活环境条件的研究等。

    Otoliths microstructure were mainly used in fish aging , early growth , estimating on spawning period , incubating period and spawn areas , evaluating on early life history events , identifying fish population , early mortality and class recruitment , habitation condition .

  26. 满足WUE最大时的补充灌水量为60~80mm。

    And limited irrigation amount to satisfy highest crop water use efficiency was about 60 ~ 80 mm ;

  27. 结论补充适宜量维生素B6有助于改善动物的生长发育和增加组织中硒存留。

    Conclusion Providing adequate vitamin B_6 could be benefit for improving rat growth and development and increasing selenium retention in the tissues .

  28. 满足作物水分利用效率最高时所需的补充灌水量为100mm;

    And the supplementary irrigation wa - ter to satisfy the highest crop water use efficiency was 100 mm ;

  29. 满足灌水效率最高时所需的补充灌水量为60mm。

    And the supplementary irrigation water required to satisfy the highest irrigation efficiency was 60 mm .

  30. 在雨水偏丰的年份,满足最高作物水分利用效率的补充灌水量为45mm,满足灌溉水利用率最高时的补充灌水量为30~45mm。

    In a year with enough precipitation , the volume of supplementary irrigation that satisfied to the maximum efficiency of the crop water utilization was 45 mm , and that of the highest ratio of irrigated water utilization ranged from 30 mm to 45 mm .