
  • 【水产】average abundance
  1. 若将开捕年龄从0.5龄提高到1龄,则年平均资源量、渔获量和渔获平均体重的增幅分别达到173%~356%、72%~101%和149%~187%。

    If the catchable age is increased from 0.5 year to 1 year , the average annual biomass , catch and average individual weight will be increased by 173 % - 356 % , 72 % - 101 % and 149 % - 187 % , respectively .

  2. 运用模型确定地下水多年平均补给资源量和可开采资源评价;

    Groundwater resources and safe yield are evaluated using the model .

  3. 为了给临时性的高峰负载留出足够的容量,平均资源使用量不应该接近基础设施的限制。

    Average resource consumption should not be near the limits of your infrastructure in order to leave enough reserves for temporary peak loads .

  4. 河流生态用水为40.1×10~8m~3,占多年平均水资源量263.9×10~8m~3(1956~1984年系列资料)的15.2%;

    River ecological water use is 40.1 108 m3 , which accounts 15.2 % of the annual average water resources 263.9 l08m3 ( according to 1956-1984 data ) .

  5. 根据数值模型计算的结果,全区地下水多年平均补给资源量为6795.82×104m3/a,大气降水入渗量占总补给量的78%;

    According to the calculating result of digital model , the quantity of groundwater supplies is 6795.82 × 104m3 / a , the quantity of atmosphere precipitation soak declines have 78 % of the total replenishment quantity ;

  6. 根据我国天然年平均降雨资源量的大小和降水利用的需要,提出天然降水资源利用的自然分区及综合法分区,为集水工程科学规划、设计、布局等提供参考。

    The article points out the natural zoning and synthesis zoning of natural precipitation resources by the size of annual average natural precipitation resources and requirement of precipitation utilization . It also provides reference to the scientific plan , design , layout , etc. of the catchwork .

  7. 采用水均衡法评价黄河流域平原区多年平均浅层地下水资源量,采用可开采系数法评价全流域平原区多年平均浅层地下水可开采量。

    The paper evaluates the many years average shallow groundwater of plain area in the Yellow River basin by using water balance method and evaluates the many years average exploitable volume of shallow groundwater of the whole basin by using exploitable coefficients .