
  • 网络return on average assets;roaa
  1. 根据惠誉(Fitch)的数据,早在金融危机之前,在2003至2007年期间,台湾各人寿保险公司的平均资产回报率就不到1%。

    Even before the financial crisis , Taiwan 's life assurers earned an average of less than 1 per cent return on assets between 2003 and 2007 , according to Fitch .

  2. 事实上,国企对经济的拖累非常严重,它们的平均资产回报率甚至低于它们的资金成本。

    Indeed , the SOEs were such a drag on the economy that their average return on assets was less than their cost of capital .

  3. 简言之,这些电影推动整个迪士尼公司实现了平均10%的有形资产回报率而且这些回报相当稳定。

    The films , in short , animate the whole company to generate average returns on tangible assets of 10 per cent and those returns are quite stable .