
  • 网络pingdingshan mining area;Pingdingshan Coal Mine Area
  1. 应用地球化学温标估算了平顶山矿区地下热水的深部温度;介绍与分析了地球化学温标的应用条件、水-岩反应平衡状态,在此基础上应用合适的温标进行了计算。

    The author introduced the conditions for the use of geochemical temperature scales , analyzed the balance state of water mineral reactions and has estimated the temperature of deep geothermal water in pingdingshan coal mine area applying the suitable temperature scales .

  2. 平顶山矿区铁路运输调度监督系统设计

    Design for a Dispatch Supervision System of Pingdingshan Mining Area Railway

  3. 用原岩应力测量确定了平顶山矿区应力场性质。

    In-situ measurement determines the character of the mine stress field .

  4. 平顶山矿区地温信息管理系统研究

    A study of geothermal information management system for Pingdingshan Mine Area

  5. 平顶山矿区热害产生原因及治理对策

    Cause and control countermeasures of geothermal disaster in Pingdingshan Mining Area

  6. 平顶山矿区二1煤层煤相分析

    Coal facies analysis in the coal b_1 Pingdingshan Mining area , Henan

  7. 平顶山矿区地下热水深部温度估算&地球化学温标的应用

    The temperature estimation of deep geothermal water in Pingdingshan coalfield

  8. 平顶山矿区塌陷地区位分析与分区利用

    Assay the collapsed places of mining area in Pingdingshan and subarea utilization

  9. 平顶山矿区煤巷围岩综合分类方法探讨

    Discussion on rock overall classification of coal roadways in Pingdingshan Mining Area

  10. 平顶山矿区钻探泥浆的研究

    Researches on the drilling fluid used in Pingdingshan Coal Field

  11. 平顶山矿区矿井突(涌)水水源判别模式

    Identification model of gushing water sources in Pingdingshan Coal Mines

  12. 平顶山矿区大气污染与绿化状况相关分析

    Correlation analysis between air pollution and afforestation in the mining area in Pingdingshan

  13. 平顶山矿区环境空气质量状况及其污染控制对策

    Quality situation and pollution control countermeasures on environmental air in Pingdingshan Mine Area

  14. 平顶山矿区塌陷地分区利用探究

    Discussion on the Collapsed Places of Mining Area in Pingdingshan and Sub Area Utilization

  15. 平顶山矿区远程下保护层开采技术研究

    Study on Mining Technology of Protective Layer Under Long Distance in Pingdingshan Mining Area

  16. 平顶山矿区煤层气合作井中氮气含量偏高问题探讨

    Discussion on higher nitrogen gas content in CBM cooperation well in Pingdingshan mine field

  17. 平顶山矿区瓦斯综合治理

    Comprehensive gas control in Pingdingshan Mining Area

  18. 平顶山矿区地面塌陷灾害发展趋势及防治对策研究

    The trend in development and research in prevention and cure of surface collapse in PingDingShan mining area

  19. 平顶山矿区太原组、山西组的煤组划分及煤层对比

    Partition of Coal Measures and Contrast Between Coal Seams of Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation in Pingdingshan Coal District

  20. 通过对淮南、平顶山矿区的广泛调研,得到了对矿井突出危险程度进行评价的现场资料。

    Based on the extensive study of Huainan and Pingdingshan diggings , we got the outburst data for evaluating mine outburst dangerous degree .

  21. 以平顶山矿区、肥城矿区为例,阐述了水文地球化学方法在水害研究中的某些应用。

    Taking Pingdingshan and Feicheng coal mines as examples , this paper discusses some applications of hydrogeochemical methods to the study of groundwater hazards .

  22. 硫杆菌的分离鉴定及其对煤矿废弃物的氧化脱硫特性平顶山矿区煤矸石特征及综合利用途径

    Isolation and Identification of a Sulfur Oxidizing Bacterium and Its Desulphurization of Coal Wastes CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION OF COAL WASTES IN THE PINGDINGSHAN MINING DISTRICT

  23. 其结果表明:平顶山矿区森林大大改善空气环境质量,产生的生态经济效益远远大于其本身的木材产品价值。

    The result is : Pingdingshan diggings forestry improves the atmosphere quality largely , and the forest ecological benefits are bigger than the one of wood self .

  24. 地下水循环对围岩温度场的影响及地热资源形成分析&以平顶山矿区为例

    An Analysis of the Formation of Geothermal Resources and the Effects of Groundwater Circulation on the Wall Rock Temperature Field & Taking the Pingdingshan Mining Field as an Example

  25. 平顶山煤炭矿区环境地质问题分析

    Environmental Geological Problems in the Coal Mining Area in Pingdingshan City

  26. 瓦斯突出煤层中构造群落的宏观特征研究论平顶山东矿区戊(910)煤层的构造重建

    Study on the Macro - Features of Tectonic Communities in Gas Outburst Coal Seam-On the Tectonic Rebuild of No. 9-10 Coal Seam in the Eastern Pingdingshan Mining District , Henan Province

  27. 水文地球化学方法在煤矿水害研究中的某些应用&以平顶山、肥城矿区研究为例

    Applications of Hydrogeochemical Methods to the Study of Ground water Hazards at the Pingdingshan and Feicheng Coal Mines , China

  28. 运用模糊数学中的模糊聚类分析方法对平顶山矿业集团某矿区煤与瓦斯突出预测进行了尝试,经实践验证是可行的。

    The authors have tried to apply fuzzy cluster analysis in fuzzy mathematics to predicting coal and gas outbursts in Pingdingshan mining area , which has been proved practical .